win an ARC of Jim Butcher’s COLD DAYS

Jim Butcher’s COLD DAYS releases on November 27th. I had intended to give away a ARC copy on my birthday but various factors intervened and I got delayed. I don’t really want to wait until Thanksgiving though, so we’ll call this a combo Thanksday (neither my birthday nor Thanksgiving but somewhere between). So without further ado…

To enter: Post a comment here about someone or something in your life for which you are thankful.

Only one entry per person. Domestic (US) and international entries accepted. This is for a paperback review ARC, not the hardcover edition. Contest starts now and runs until Sunday, November 18th, 5pm Eastern. Winner will be randomly chosen.

850 responses to “win an ARC of Jim Butcher’s COLD DAYS

  1. I am thankful for my friend, Craig, who introduced me to Jim Butcher’s work many years ago. This has lead to countless hours of great reading, excellent role playing (via the Dresden Files RPG), and some pretty decent TV watching as well (via the short-lived TV show).

    • I am thankful that I have a job, and good health in my family.

    • Marders Morissette

      I am thankful for my schools and family. Both of which have made me into who I am today.

    • I’m thankful for my wonderful family, especially my uncle who got my to read Jim butcher the first time.

    • I thankk for the internet

    • robert stankich

      I am thankfull forthe creation of the short lived season 1 of The Dresden Files. Even though they completely butchered it (ha, stop me now). It did get me to buy my 1st Dresden book.

    • Scott Ferguson

      I am thankful for a wonderful wife who has supported me through thick and thin and who is my best friend in the world.

    • I am thankful for the time I get to spend with my family. There never seems to be enough of it, but there are some wonderful memories in the times we are together. I am also thankful that I have been fortunate enough to have relationships with not only both of my grandmothers, but also one of my great grandmothers. All three of them are remarkable women and they have influenced me more than I can express.

    • I am thankful for my wonderful new husband who does his best to put what is best for us first, and to make sure we’re always working as a team for the important decisions. I’m also thankful for the wonderful home we were able to purchase together!
      PS I know this is a few hours late, sorry, but I just got home to check the blog!

  2. I’m thankful for my hubby, who supports my dreams of becoming a writer.

  3. Teri Herbert

    I’m thankful for my boyfriend who tries his best to support me through all my crazy schemes

  4. I’m thankful that more than a dozen people at the party knew who I’d dressed as for Halloween:

    Halloween 2012

  5. Patrick McGee

    I am thankful for my beautiful family and everything they give me day in and day out.

  6. I’m thankful for my boyfriend, who understands my dreams and never asks why I don’t drop writing and my part-time job so I can get a ‘real job’ instead.

  7. Hailey Edwards

    I am thankful for every single day my dad is still here with me.

  8. JoMax Christensen

    I’m thankful for the DMLA, which provides me with some of the richest stories and most memorable characters, all from authors I’ve come to respect and enjoy.

  9. am thankful for my brother and the fact we are friends in and day out.

  10. I’m thankful for my best friend – without him, I never would have been introduced to the Parasol Protectorate, -or- the Dresden Files. ❤

  11. I am thankful that I was able to take care of my mother in her final days.

  12. I’m thankful for my parents, who drove me to the library every week while I was growing up and who always let me check out more books on their library cards when I hit the 50-book limit on mine.

  13. I’m thankful for pretty much your entire client list. They’ve provided me with hours and hours of entertainment – and escape, when I’ve needed it, too. (And I’m not just sucking up – you have an *amazing* batch of clients! But then you probably know that. ou

  14. I’m thankful for my family, who puts up with me popping in and out at meal times, and occasionally showing my face elsewhere around the house, all in the name of writing.

  15. Robin Slicer

    I am thankful for my children, who give me new ways to look at the world every day.

  16. I’m thankful for my wife, who makes me a better person in almost every way.

  17. I am thankful for my Father who had served over twenty years in the military. It wasn’t always easy being separated, but I appreciate his sacrifices for my country and me.

  18. I am grateful for having the chance to see one of my favorite bands in concert last weekend!

  19. For my wife 🙂

  20. I am thankful for my cats.

  21. I’m thankful for my fiancee and my family, who have been and continue to be supportive while I’m out of work.

  22. I am thankful for my wonderful Grandma who, despite waging a terrible battle with cancer, is still hanging in there and keeping on keeping on! And my family and friends and mind and so on =]

  23. I am thankful to have a wonderful wife that understands once this book drops, she isn’t going to see me until it is read and re-read.

  24. Frank Jarome

    I’m thankful for my little boy… Once upon a time I didn’t even want kids, and now I’d be lost without him. He’s so happy and outgoing, you can’t help but smile, no matter what kind of a day you’ve had. He’s my little best buddy 🙂

  25. Dustin Cramer

    I’m thankful for my Mom and Dad always being there for me, even when I screw up at life.

  26. Matthew Edwards

    I am thankful for my education, something which most people do not have the blessing of receiving

  27. I’m thankful for my sister. After several years of head-butting, insults, and terrible behavior (on both our parts) we finally reconciled this summer. This will be the first Thanksgiving we’ll spend together since we decided to try being family again, and I am so, so thankful for that.

  28. I’m incredibly thankful for my boyfriend and future husband. He deals with my late work hours (i work at a performing arts center), crazy ideas (like mattress sledding in the snow at 1am) and makes me feel like the luckiest lady in the world. He has made my life so incredible, and i’m a far better person because of him.

  29. I am thankful for my awesome wife who is helping me put together our new house. And for NEWHARRYDRESDEN BOOKS!

  30. I am thankful for my parents, sister and partner who support me through my ups and downs.

  31. I am thankful for my wife, the love of my life.

  32. I am thankful for people in my life who have done more for me than I can ever be able to return.

  33. I’m thankful for my professors and the passion with which they teach, and to my parents for enabling me to go to the school that I do.

  34. I am thankful for my wife. She loves me no matter how crazy I get.

  35. Joshua Cajigas

    I’m greatful for my family who are always there for me to give advice and watch out for me when I do happen to do something stupid.

  36. I am thankful for a life full of wonder, imagination, and for having enough wit to appreciate these amazing gifts.

  37. I’m thankful for my kids who make me laugh every day.

  38. I’m thankful to my girlfriend, who helps me deal with insanity of society and the insanity of me

  39. I’m thankful for disability assistance; without it, I would probably be employable doing only menial work due to my disabilities.

  40. I’m thankful for my friends who support me in my writing. Most have what my parents call “proper” degrees, and they still tell me every day that if I don’t write like I want to they’ll get me through college and force me to anyway 🙂

  41. Mitch Thunderhoofs

    I’m thankful for cookies.

  42. Denice Larson

    I am thankful for all I have and my family and friends that love and support me.

  43. I am thankful for used bookstores full of dust and paperbacks.

    And for my amazing family, of course. I can’t wait to go home for Thanksgiving!

  44. Jacob Hauskins

    I am thankful for my job. I love my job. I work in a library, which is simply perfect for a bibliophile like me. It doesn’t hurt that everyone I work with is super nice.

  45. I’m thankful for the chance to win an ARC of the new book in my favorite series

  46. I’m thankful for all of my family. My adult children who still like hanging out with mom sometimes, my own mother who is my best friend, my aunt who has always been there for me, my cousin who shares the same interests I do and will talk to me about the silliest things. I have a huge family and could go on for ever… but right now I’m thankful that my little brother introduced me to to these books 🙂

  47. I am thankful for my boyfriend, who has supported me the past year when things got rough, and always puts a smile on my face (and got me reading the Dresden novels!).

  48. Jennifer Munzlinger

    I am thankful for having a decent job, a loving husband and wonderful children. I am thankful for living in a free country.

  49. Mike Landefeld

    I’m thankful for the technology and medical procedures that exist to help my wife and me overcome fertility challenges, giving us hope that we can finally start a family.

  50. Dustin perry

    Jim, i have to say that ,above all other blessings, i am most thankful for my wife and her love of agriculture which rivals mine. She has supported me in many things in our marriage which is still in its infancey. Of course we are also thankful for you, Jim, who continues to share harry and Karrin with us.

  51. The Mighty Buzzard

    Beer. I am thankful for beer.

    Sure my family and such are great too but they’ve only been that way for a few decades; beer’s been awesome for millenia.

  52. I’m thankful for my husband who supports me in everything I do, including writing and editing. He is a great dungeon master, fellow geek, computer programmer and so many other things. He continues to identify with Harry as they both get older and face more difficulties.

  53. I am thankfully for my dad. He’s an amazing man who, despite constant pain, refuses to let life get him down. When money’s tight, he always makes sure that my brother and I always have something to eat, even if it means going without. He will always help me when I need it, even if it’s just a pep talk.

  54. I’m thankful for my friends, Mike, April, and Kate, who convinced me to read Jim Butcher’s work several years ago and then kept at me to actually pick them up… and now I can’t put them down.

  55. I’m thankful for my dog. He’s kept me and my mother as sane and not-at-each-others’-throats as we’re ever likely to be, and he can always make me happy, no matter how blegh I’m feeling.

  56. I am thankful for my mother without who I don’t know where I’d be.

  57. I’ve known my wife for over four years and on our 4 year anniversary in September, we got married in Gibraltar. Her book tastes, Butcher, are one of many reasons I knew she was the one.

  58. I’m thankful for my wife’s choice who managed to diagnose her HELLP syndrome just in the nick of time to save both her and our son. Doesn’t really have much to do with the Dresden Files, but I’m very thankful for it anyway 🙂

  59. I am thankful for my wonderful supportive husband and our new beautiful little boy Jonathan. I have been very blessed to have two such amazing gentlemen in my life!

  60. I’m thankful for my family, who have always been very loving and supportive (and wonderfully sarcastic). They may not always understand me, but they’ve never tried to force me into being something I’m not.

  61. I’m thankful for all the people who know me well enough to turn and walk the other way when they see me captured by a book. A real book, not that electronic dumbassery.

  62. I’m thankful for my mom who has always told me to be ME and has supported me throughout every trial in my life. She also urged me to read any and everything I could get my hands on! Thanks Mom!

  63. Very important words missing there: “choice of midwives who”. Ah, typos.

  64. I am thankful for my wife, because she not only puts up with my oddities but if I end up winning, she’d want to know what I was thankful for so this will retroactively save my rear…

  65. I am grateful that adoption exists for my friends who have fertility challenges.

  66. I am thankful for my loving husband. I am also thankful for this contest!

  67. Carolyn Lumpkin

    I am so very thankful for 2 sons who brighten everyday with with their awesomeness. They have grown into wonderful men.

  68. I am thankful for my job as it keeps food on the table. My girlfriend for keeping me warm at night and Jim butcher for giving me something to read as I sit on the toilet while taking a crap. Thank you

  69. I am thankful for being born in a first world county.

  70. I’m thankful for the people in my life.

  71. Matt Stickelberger

    I’m thankful for my life long friend Hermon and his wife Susan who love and support me through good, bad and annoying. And whom I hooked on Dresden several years ago.

  72. This might sound very corny but I’m thankfull for my family. My (he introduced me to the wonderfull wizard world of Dresden) boyfriend we share the same taste in books. We have our Dresden moment which only a few people get because they dont read fantasy and/or English books. Only a few awesome people do. Dont ever stop writing.

  73. I’m extremely thankful for books. They allow me to wind down from work and escape to places and have experiences that I otherwise would never have

  74. I’m thankful for a career that I not only love but one that I can do good for people, animals, and the environment. Time to make a difference 🙂

  75. I am thankful for my husband who is currently conquering a mountain of dishes while I hang out with our 2 awesome kiddos.

  76. chad thompson

    I am thankful for my parents and all the sacrifices they made for me and my siblings. I appreciate their efforts more, now that I have kids of my own.

  77. I am thankful that I will soon get to read this book! Also I am thankful for y friends and family who are always there for me even when I’m a pain in the butt

  78. I’m thankful for my grandfather, who taught me that wonder and amazement and glee are not out of place in adulthood and that the best way to spend a Saturday was a morning swim at the city pool and spending the whole rest of the day eating aunt andrena’s cookies and burrowing into a book or two. or three. maybe four.

  79. It’s cheesy, I know, but I’m thankful for my mom. My dad’s a sailor, and he’s certainly done his part in raising me, but my mom’s advice has helped out in every stage of my life. I’ve been terrible about using the advice wisely, especially the whole “please be patient” thing, but whenever I needed a tip on how to proceed she’s been there. She taught me that the ability to laugh is an ability second only to love, and without that I’d have fallen apart long ago. It’s cliche, it’s overdone, but with my circumstances it’s totally true: I wouldn’t be the man I am today if my mother hadn’t been there to guide me down the right path.

  80. Sherri Dunbar

    Of course I am thankful for my family, my hubby and kids. They are my heart and soul . BRight now I’m especially thankful for that butterfly feeling in my stomach as I settle in to read a new Dresden book! Can’t wait!! My teen daughter too, introduced her to the series this summer!!!

  81. I’m thankful that I constantly have worlds to go to. Either with books, movies, video games or TV. I have an embarrassment of riches in that regard.

  82. I am thankful that James Marsters is coming back to narrate!!

  83. As a writer, I am thankful for every person that comments on stories, provides critique, or gives reviews.

  84. I am thankful for my friends, family, and dog. They make life fun, interesting, and worthwhile.

  85. I’m thankful for electricity, without which I would have no work, I’d have to write long hand, and coffee would take a lot longer to make.

  86. Jeremy Impson

    I’m thankful for my parents & teachers who taught me to read and to think and to care.

  87. R. B. LeMoyne

    I’m thankful for my amazing mother, who never failed to encourage me when it came to following my dreams. She’s the reason I’m the man I am today.

  88. I’m thankful for your series. I am dyslexic and I never enjoyed reading until I picked up Storm Front and I have been reading ever since. So pumped for cold days !!!

  89. Kathryn Morrow

    I’m thankful for my fantastic job at my public library and my awesome family.

  90. I am so grateful for my wife and her family. Without them I would be so utterly lost at this point in my life. I am also grateful to my parents, who are always there and always ready to listen.

  91. Clara Monteith

    I am most thankful for my 2 year old – the smartest, sweetest, funniest, kind-hearted child I’ve ever known.

  92. I am thankful for my family and their unconditional love and support.

  93. I’m thankful for my kid. He continually astonishes me with his awesome.

  94. After losing my job earlier this year, I’m extremely grateful for my family, who gave me a place to stay and the support when I needed it the most. 🙂

  95. I’m thankful for my mom (incidentally it is her birthday this week) who always had time for “one more story.”

  96. I am thankful for being able to see my neighbor’s white rabbit on my way to classes almost every day. He makes me smile and laugh as he bounds around playing in his pen, and he reminds me that life is great thing to celebrate. Yes, I got that all from a fluffy bunny.

  97. I’m thankful for my wife of 10 years (as of Friday). She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in February and just completed the last of her surgery/chemo/radiation treatments last week and is now cancer-free!

  98. I’m thankful for my beautiful daughter who is the best thing in my life. Watching her grow up and experience the world brings such joy to my heart and never ceases to amuse and amaze me.

  99. Dave Heidbrider

    I’m thankful for my 3 year old son. Little man keeps me grounded in between bouts of killing monsters online.

  100. Thankful for my Mom, Ovarian cancer survivor who 2 years later took care of my Sister who died of cancer and is now taking care of my Dad in early stages of Alzheimer’s. They live out of state & hard for me to help. 😦

  101. I’m thankful for my mother-in-law, who has come up and helped us through lots of hard times with our new kid.

  102. I’m truly thankful for everyone in my life. Good or bad, they made me who I am today. However if I had to pick one, it would be my Dad. He’s always been there for me, and has always been the biggest influence. He also gave me my love for books!

  103. I’m grateful to my parents who, once upon a time, made the call that television wasn’t a constitutional right and got rid of the no-one-watches-it-anyway,-wait-just-a-moment-I-do!-cable. It led to an all-round pop-culture illiteracy with a delicious helping of library-going, family-evenings, and book-loving. I still haven’t recovered from that childhood trauma, and I wouldn’t have it any other, dog-earable way.

  104. I’m thankful for my wife, daughter, family, and fantastic authors.

  105. Michael Lemke

    I’ve worked in a prison for over twenty years so I’ve seen the darker side of humanity. I an thankful for my kids because they remind me every morning before work and every night after work that goodness is there.

  106. I’m thankful for a great job in the midst of uncertainty. It’s nice to have fun and get a paycheck, all at the same time.

  107. I’m thankful for my friends, who are always there to cheer me up

  108. Hi Jim !

    I am thankful for my family, friends and co-workers for their support and understanding of my autoimmune disease. But I am also very grateful to you and all my other favorite authors for creating such wonderful worlds I can escape to and so many characters that I care about. Thank you so much !

  109. I am so thankful for my parents and my brother. I left home to go to college thinking that the further I went from home the better. Being here me realize that without their unfailing love and even those times when I swore they were against me I would have never gotten this far. So with all my heart, thank you Mom, Dad, and Dan ❤

  110. My grandparents. They were an island of sanity growing up.

  111. I am thankful for my friends — today I am extra grateful for my friend Geli, who will listen to me rant and whine and go on and on and on, and also introduced me to the music of Andrew Bird.

  112. I am thankful for improv, NashvilleImprovCompany, which keeps me sane by letting me act crazy.

  113. I am thankful for my eyesight, since I had a month-long scare with glaucoma recently.

  114. Im thankful for the hard times, the downs and the difficult situations. Without them I wouldn’t be here, wouldn’t appreciate all I am lucky to have and I can’t imagine I’d be happy.

  115. I’m thankful for my brother. We like the same books, computer games, and sports. We have the same group of friends and the same sense of humor. I’m always there for him no matter what and I know he’s there for me.

  116. I’m thankful for my family, the biggest bunch of nuts and sweethearts in the land, and for thoughtful, smart writers who keep me entertained and laughing (and share books about my favorite characters with me).

  117. I am thankful for my wife and kids, because they make my life awesome.

    I’m also thankful for great authors like Mr Butcher, cause they make my commute more fun.

  118. Mike Moulder

    I am thankful for my beautiful wife, without whom I would probably be a toothless carney running the worse ride on the runway

  119. I am thankful for my wife and children. I do not deserve them but love them with all my heart!

  120. I’m thankful for my family, who support my efforts to complete NanoWriMo. 🙂

  121. I’m grateful for mercy: people giving second chances, being able to learn from my mistakes, and growing stronger from them.

  122. Mike Bentley

    I am thankful to my parents for giving me a place to live after I had lost my job and was on the verge of living on the streets. They arranged with me to stay with my sister for a while until I could move down to Florida to live with them while I try to get my life back together.

  123. I am thankful for fictional worlds. Television, movies, books, video games, I am glad for all of them. While some universes stand out most (The Dresdenverse and City of Heroes in particular), these fictional realities have stoked my own creativity and helped me explore thoughts, feelings, emotions, and even geography I’d never get the chance to otherwise. It is within these fictional realms that I genuinely discovered myself, that I found what it was I truly believed in and stood for.

    It was also through these fictional worlds that I met some of the greatest people I have ever known. People who have gone on to become my greatest and closest friends, my most valued confidantes, and it is even how I met the one I love most in this world. Thank you, publishers. Thank you, producers. Thank you, authors. Thank you, developers. Thank you, everyone I know I’m missing. Thank you all for giving us worlds to explore, places to go to inside our own minds when the real world seems dark and foreboding. Thank you for giving us a medium to find those who are like-minded, and thank you for sharing your dreams with us. Thank you, for the privilege.

  124. Jim Sharpnack

    I’m thankful for my wife’s best friend, Tricia, a librarian who convinced me that I was missing out on great stories while only reading non-fiction. Changing my perspective helped me to discover a lot of great stories.

  125. I am thankful for my faithful companions: daisycakes and scout finchslayer. They comfort me when i am sad, warm me when i am cold, and protect me from evil.

  126. I’m thankful for being in a place where I am able to make a difference in the world, be it donations for Sandy relief or book purchases for preemies.

  127. I’m thankful for my husband, who supports my writing, tells me the truth, and makes everything better by being there to share it with me.

  128. I am very thankful for my friends and family who support me. I’m glad of their continued support of my education and projects. I don’t know how I could have gone on without them.

  129. Last year I developed an infection that nearly cost me my life. I was hospitalized for almost two months, no income, and unable to do anything for myself. Two very dear friends, Joan and Cheryl, were there for me every day, taking care of my house, making sure I had naught to worry about except healing. Such friends ate truly beyond price, and I’m thankful each day they’re part of my life.

  130. Praise be to the following: Jim himself for his wonderful writing, wit and philosophy. To America, for our ritual harvest holiday. To my employers for my paycheck. To my cat for being adorable.

  131. 18 years ago on thanksgiving eve, I returned home from the hospital after my life-saving livertransplant. I am greatful for my donor for 18 years and the birth of my two children!

  132. I’m thankful for reading which makes my life rich in meaning, family who make my life rich with love and the dogs that do not judge. Also coffee.

  133. I am thankful for my nerdy wife.

  134. I’m incredibly thankful for my wife, who is always there for me when I need her most.

  135. I am thankful for my sister and the technology which I can use to communicate with her despite the fact that she lives (almost literally) on the other side of the planet. Despite the time difference, she is always available to listen to my excitement as well as my despair and reminds me that there’s more to life than my dissertation.

  136. I’m thankful for my kid. When he was born, it was pretty touch and go since he was extremely premature. Now he’s 5….and insane….but he’s awesom

  137. I am thankful for so much, but this moment, I am thankful for the love of my boyfriend, who keeps proving he was worth waiting for. He is my heart.

  138. Brandon McClung

    I am thankful for all the wonderful people in my life who support me and my Dresden habit, no matter what I do in life or how little they see me.

  139. Ian Cosentino

    I’m thankful for books. Really, I’m thankful for them because they give me an escape from my day. I love to see that their are people who share the same ideas as I do on what a hero should be. A normal person, who rises to the challenge when they have a responsibility placed upon them. It’s comforting.

  140. I’m thankful for being literate and for having a family that encouraged me to read from an early age.

  141. I’m thankful for my loving family, even if some of them are a little crazy. But aren’t we all? 🙂

  142. I am thankful for the parents that made sure I had a love of reading from an early age.

  143. David Delcampo

    Im thankful for my mother. Who raised my brother and I by herself. She who had a full time job but still made time to for us every single day. She who held off on luxuries like a new car or fancy clothes so we could spend time together as a family. She who sacrificed her wants to make sure we had what we needed. She made us the great men are today and there is no one who can tell me that they cant do something without trying. Nothing is impossible if your priorities are straight and love fills your heart. Thank you for reading. P.S. My mother and I are hugh Harry Dredsden fans.

  144. I’m thankful for all of our Veterans! And I’m especially thankful for all of the amazing people with whom it was my honor to serve as a member of the US Army.

  145. I’m thankful for a warm home, and money to pay the bills.

  146. I’m thankful for my friends, family, and my own determination (or stubbornness). In the last 8 months I’ve managed to drop 45 lbs (going from a size 14 to a size 6), get back into shape, develop a much healthier lifestyle and mindset, and finally found a new job that makes me proud of what I do and where I work. I couldn’t have done it without the support and love of those I care about, and my own refusal to quit.

    P.S. Happy belated birthday! Mine was yesterday 🙂

  147. Michael Vela

    I’m thankful for two healthy kids and a living and supporting wife.

  148. I am thankful for my beautiful and talented wife. The fact that she chose me still amazes me.

  149. I am thankful for the loyalty and true love of my dogs who even after their passing continue to comfort me in my times of need.

  150. I am thankful for my wonderful wife, who has stood by my side through a multitude of medical ordeals, including both kidney and pancreatic cancer.

    She is also the person who introduced me to the Dresden Files, so that’s another check in the “awesome” category.

  151. Laura Adams Weaver

    I’m thankful for 3 colleagues who suggested I read the Dresden Files this last summer. I read 1-13, plus “Side Jobs.” While waiting for “Cold Days,” I started over again. Addiction is not pretty.

  152. I’m thankful for my supportive family and friends, and for the fact that beautiful, wonderful publishers are printing paper books that keep librarians like me in work.

  153. I’m thankful for my parents, who instilled a love of reading and learning in me at a very young age. I started reading at age 3 and haven’t looked back since!

  154. I’m thankful for that inexhaustible passion burning in many of us that drives us to write, draw, paint, tell stories.

  155. the gripping hand

    I’m thankful for a country that even if an election doesn’t go my way, the country doesn’t dissolve into an orgy of violence.

  156. I am thankful for my husband, who shares with me the good times, the bad times, and not least, his sizeable science fiction and fantasy hardcover collection.

  157. I am thankful for my nieces!

  158. Elaine-Shepard

    I am thankful to Harry Dresden, for helping me through the rough times in my life. When I’ve been at my lowest points, Jim Butcher’s works have reminded me that we can always stand up to those who hurt others, and that doing what is RIGHT is more important than what is easy.
    “Harry Dresden, he died doing the right thing.”
    That is the best line I’ve ever read, and it’s a constant source of inspiration for me. So thank you, Mr. Butcher, and thank you, Harry for your quiet support.

  159. I’m thankful for my friend Emilie, who lives an ocean and a whole continent away from me and always manages to cheer up my day make my mood a little brighter. Even though she’s been telling me for months that she hates me, because I got her addicted to Teen Wolf. (She’s lying, she loves me.)

  160. I am thankful for my orthopaedist, who’s helped me to learn to find laughter again after going through the double barrels of cancer and spinal disease, and who’s gone to bat for me more times than I can count whenever insurance tried to deny something. And you know what? I have yet to receive a single bill from him. Just a truly good man.

  161. Tim Allensworth II

    I am thankful for Jim Butcher being one heck of a writer and for letting me spend til with his imagination and the friends in there

  162. I’m thankful for having friends and family who have helped me through this time of unemployment. I’d be in dire straits without them.

  163. Steven Robinson

    I am thankful for two VERY understanding parents who love me and are willing to kick me in the butt to get me moving.

  164. Robin Carlisle

    I’m thankful for my friends, without some of whom I literally would not be living. They’ve put up with my weirdness and supported me through thick and thin, and I love them

  165. I am thankful for my boyfriend who has put so much of his time into helping my middle school daughter with her homework. He’s made her realize that she is more than just a pretty face.

  166. I am thankful for my boyfriend, Ethan, who introduced me to the Dresden Files. It’s our favorite series, and we’ve been waiting breathlessly for Cold Days. 🙂

  167. I am thankful for my amazing wife, whose love and patience keep me sane. We are both waiting for the heralded day to come!

  168. I’m thankful to live in a country that has the 1st amendment.

  169. I am thankful for my mom who went to the store when I had a broken leg and picked up white night for me to read prompting me to go out the next day having finished it that night and buy the other 8 books currently in print at the time!

  170. I am thankful I married a fellow avid reader and we have a house full of books.

  171. I’m thankful for my wife who supports me in all my endeavors, and to my folks who taught me to forge my own path.

  172. I’m thankful for my husband, who believes in me even when I doubt myself.

  173. I am thankful for my family.

  174. Robert Cobourn

    Thankful for good books!

  175. I am thankful for my family, friends, and good books.

  176. There are days that pass when I want to go home, curl into a ball and cry. Yet the stress of the job is outweighed by something for which I will always be thankful: my students. They never cease to brighten my day, with a total non sequitur during English, an invite to their cooking class dinner, or a passing grade on a test. Heck, I’ve got kids with writing disabilities who are clamoring to share their writer’s notebook entries out loud! How could I not be thankful for how amazing they are? 🙂

  177. I am thankful that colddays is finally coming out and my folks won’t be 😉

  178. I am thankful for my 2-year-old son, who never stops being cute and who runs out to meet me as I get home, telling me, “Daddy, I missed you!”

  179. I’m currently thankful for twitter for allowing me to see this opportunity. To say anything more would get into the realm of too sappy, and I’ve cried enough today 😛

  180. I’m thankful we miraculously kept our daughter (and ourselves) alive for the her first year of life (as of 5:45am tomorrow). I tried to name her Maeve, but my husband had too many negative connotations with the name (thanks, Mr. Butcher). Alas, Moira Murphy turns 1 tomorrow.

  181. My friend Terry for introducing me to Harry Dresden.

  182. laura m scott

    I am thankful for my amazing husband David. He has been willing to support all my crazy ideas for costumes and trips. I have also had the fortune of being able to support his grand schemes too. He even got me Ghost Story as a wedding present! I am so thankful to have found someone as crazy as I am to share my life with.

  183. I’m thankful for the abundance of technology we have which has broken down the barriers to knowledge and communication.

  184. I am thankful for my husband, who not only got me into Jim Butcher’s work, but listens to my wacked out theories of the Dresden-verse even if he would rather be in his own world. He is also pretty amazing and puts up with my dreams of getting thru my masters.

  185. I am thankful for my family, friends, the East Rockaway Public Library that gave me years of enjoyment growing up. Oh – and Barnes & Noble for having such comfy chairs

  186. I’m grateful for my daughters. They make everything worth while! And I’m thankful for Jim Butcher for writing amazing books to keep me company when my daughters are with their dad.

  187. Im thankful Cold Days will be released soon. I made the mistake of reading the first chapter when it was released with the paper back version of Ghost Story.
    VERY bad idea.

  188. I’m thankful for good parents. That I had good parents, and that I know good parents. Especially now as I try to be a good parent.

  189. I’m thankful for my parents, even if they do frustrate me sometimes, because at least I know they’re just trying to help.

  190. I am thankful for my Wife, Misty. We had a Pirate Wedding on a cruise ship where we met Alex, who it was that introduced me to the joys of The Codec Aleria, which led to The Dresden Files.
    Thanks Jim B.

  191. I am thankful for the ability change my mind about what I want to do in life (but, hopefully, not too often) and for teachers who care about their topics. Also, books. Would probably die without books.

  192. I am thankful for my family, a supportive wife and two children who challenge themselves and impress me every day with their curiosity and cleverness.

  193. I am thankful for “Restoration of Faith” which I read regularly to restore mine.

  194. I’m thankful for all the people who help day-to-day without recognition: the police who catch the crooks, the firemen who keep my home standing, the “sanitation workers” who live with all our unsanitary junk, the call center workers who answer all the stupid questions over and over, the cashier who adds up all the items in my cart, even if it’s not 10 items or less. In other words, I’m thankful for NORMAL PEOPLE all around me who make the world liveable!

  195. I’m thankful for having found the love of my life on try #2. I know some people spend a lifetime trying to find theirs.

  196. I’m thankful for great books, and the ability to craft, which keep me sane in an otherwise crazy world.

  197. I am thankful for people like you pointing people like Jim at the rest of us and pulling the trigger gleefully and repeatedly. I am thankful for the resulting fanbase, which has subsequently provided me with surprise friends, some of whom are among the best I’ve ever had.

  198. I’m thankful for my parents, who are providing me with a home, insurance, and medical care while I search for a job. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

  199. I am thankful for good authors. And more, for the family that shares my appreciation for them.

  200. I am thankful for Star Trek and the whole sci-fi genre. Generations have been inspired by the Enterprise’s travels through the stars.

  201. I am thankful for my wife, because she supports my martial arts training, my writing, introduced me to Jim Butcher, and quite honestly, I don’t know anyone else who would put up with me otherwise!

  202. I’m thankful for my Clan – my chosen family, Dresden fans, all, who all are amazing in their own ways.

  203. I am thankful for my wife who not only tolerates my quirks but loves me despite them.

  204. I am thankful for my son. He has given me the reason to take life seriously, and to be a better person

  205. I’m thankful for the chance to win an ARC of the latest book in a series that I thoroughly enjoy by an author I follow closely.

    And also impending fatherhood. But y’know, priorities.

  206. I’m thankful that I have a job that provides health insurance, so my husband can work out all his stupid medical stuff! 🙂

  207. Laurali Carroll

    I am thankful my twin boys are robust and loud four year olds, despite being born at 26 weeks.

  208. The older I get the more I am thankful for my dad. I’ll probably never be able to tell him though because *MAN STUFF*.

  209. I am thankful for my taste buds. Without them, cheesecake wouldn’t be the same.

  210. I’m thankful to finally be a published author!

  211. I am thankful for my dad. He really is my best friend, and my role model. He’s such a great person, and has taught me to be the best person I can be as well. He, solely, got me through so many hard times in my life. Plus, he instilled in me my love of all things nerdy – computers, video games, sci fi, all that great stuff!

    I’ve realized there’s really no words to describe just how MUCH he means to me. Anything I say sounds like something anyone could say about their dad. He just feels SO much more special than that though. I love him more than anything, and I’m thankful for him every single day.

  212. I’m thankful for my friend who told me about this contest. 😀

  213. Chris Anderson

    I’m thankful for my incredibly twisted groups of friends. Through NERO and SCA I have found an amazing collection of friends who have supported me, encouraged me, taught me, and laughed with me. I’m thankful I’ve learned to see myself through their eyes, Because of them I am able to make the changes in my life so I will be here for many more years to hear groans of “Jesus Christ, Chris!” to laugh and cry with them to see the young grow into awesome adults.

  214. I am thankful for my friends, without them I would not be here today.

  215. Celestine Cookson

    I am thankful for my boyfriend, who always rubs my feet when I’m tired from walking, who feeds me when I’m cranky because I’ve forgotten to eat all day, and who loves the Dresden Files series just as much as I do. He’s started referring to me the way Sanya does about Murphy, “She’s tiny, but fierce.”

  216. I’m thankful for the immense support that my family always provides me with, my best friend and for me being fortunate enough to be able to attend a great university.

  217. I am thankful for the wonderful people I’ve met in my life so far.

  218. I am thankful for my wonderful wife and children. They are the greatest gift that I could ever receive.

  219. Warn, Tiffany

    In a weird way, I’m thankful for having been deployed (Catching Pirates off the coast of Africa). It gave me a real sense of purpose to my duty, prior to that I didn’t feel any kind of passion in my service. The relationships that were forged there will most likely last my lifetime. It influenced my decision to re-enlist, which is how I got to have the life that I do now. Not to mention, that deployment was the first time I read Storm Front. ; ) Even if I don’t win, thanks for letting me post!

  220. I’m thankful for one of my writing profs.

    For being one of the few people to really listen to me without judgement and encourage me to be better. I feel like I can like myself better thanks to him.

  221. Beyond blessings of good health, great job and awesome family, I can’t imagine not knowing how to read and write. We take it for granted every day. Without Dick and Jane and Dr. Seuss, I would not be excited that Jim Butcher’s Cold Days comes out the day before my birthday. What a wonderful life!

  222. Jeffrey Petersen

    I’m thankful for fantastic authors like Jim, and for the opportunity to write myself and contribute to the collection of fantasy stories to be enjoyed.

  223. Cristian Lopez

    I´m thankful for the holidays coming up when i can forget about film school for a bit and get some time in with family, friends, and all the great stuff that i have been ignoring such as AC3, HALO 4, Cold Days, and all the colombian films released recently

  224. I am thankful for my daughter. She makes me want to be a better mother.

  225. Naturally, my wonderful wife!

  226. I’m thankful for my parents and the love of reading that they instilled in me!

  227. I’m thankful for a lot of people, but probably mostly my grandfather who taught me not only what it means to be a grownup, but also how to die.

  228. I’m thankful for my friend Neal who loves to talk about Dresden books as much as I do

  229. I am thankful for my wonderful girlfriend!

  230. I am thankful for books, without them my life would be less rewarding.

  231. I’m thankful for my 1 year old. It is a joy to watch him experience a world full of wonder and adventure. And still true after the diaper I just changed.

  232. I am thankful for my husband who supports me no matter what & who I credit for my love Harry Dresden 🙂

  233. I am thankful for my husband and my mom. They are my two best friends, and my cheerleaders through every step of my writing career.

  234. I am thankful for my favorite authors, like Jim Butcher, who work so hard to bring me stories that allow me to escape the everyday foibles of life and live in their worlds for a time.

  235. Robert Crosby

    I’m thankful for my wife. She puts up with me during the hardest and stupidest times of my life.

  236. David McLoughlin

    I have alot to be thankful for, but this year I would mention my veterinarian Dr. Nichols, whose care for my 16 year old cat Dermot has kept him with us, looking, acting and playing like a 6 year old despite his health issues.

  237. Jack Johnson

    I’m thankful for my awesome dad, who’s still in the hospital but getting better!

  238. I am thankful for the smiles of my family. It makes life much easier to know you are appreciated.

  239. I am thankful for my friends, Frea and Max, who introduced me to the Dresden Files.

  240. I am thankful for my family that imparted my love of reading in me. Doubly so for my you get brother that brought the Dresden Files to my attention.

  241. I am thankful for all my mentor and friends who have all been encouraging and supportive of my doing more with my photography and writing. I may be burning the candle at both ends having a day gig and pursuing my passion but I have never been happier than these past months. Meeting people who I admire for their own creative endeavors, even interviewing some of them have been things I never dreamt I would be able to achieve. Must add interviewing Jim Butcher to the bucket list.

  242. Love the series, I have been hunting for some good urban fantasy and in that genre you are king.

  243. Daniel Nevarez

    I’m thankful for my son; the things he’s taught me, the adventures we’ve shared and those that still lie ahead

  244. I am grateful that I have a job I enjoy and a wonderful family and a copy of your book on preorder!

  245. Im thankful for my job and the stability it brings for my family.

  246. I am thankful for life each and every day.mwhile it may not always be a good day, I’m still grateful.

  247. I am thankful for my daughter who at only 8 months old loves to listen as i read to her. I’ve read “Changes” and “Ghost Story” to her and she loved it. I can’t wait to read Cold Days to her as well.

  248. I am thankful for a wonderful wife and two tremendous boys!

  249. I am thankful for my beautiful family! A husband who loves and supports me in all things and through all of our trials, and my three amazing children who were obviously why i was put on this planet. Together they are my whole heart!

    Of course there’s always room for Jim and Harry too… 🙂

  250. I am thankful that I have so much to be thankful for. I know that sounds cliche but it’s true. I’ve the most amazing partner, sweet and funny animal companions, and the opportunity to do things that make a difference (even if the things are sometimes quite small).

  251. I am thankful for my parents, whom without I would not be where nor who I am today. Thank you for your support.

  252. I’m thankful for my friend Hilary. Not only did she first introduce me to the Dresden Files, but she’s the one who can most easily dig me out of my darkest places and thoughts…

  253. I’m thankful for great books and their authors. I don’t know how I’d get by some days without a book to escape into.

  254. I’m just thankful to be alive.

  255. I’m grateful for my dad–the English teacher who introduced me to the wide world of fantasy novels, and handed me Storm Front while I was flat on my back in the hospital. Keeping my world shiny one page at a time.

  256. I’m thankful for my family and books.

  257. Brian Creekmore

    I’m thankful for my family… They love me even though I’m more of a wreck than HARRY!

  258. I’m thankful for the unconditional love of dogs. 🙂

  259. I’m thankful for the eyesight to read and the cognition to enjoy good books.

  260. I’m grateful for my friend Chuck who introduced me to the Dresden files and who I’ve mooched many books off of

  261. I’m thankful for parents who invariably support me.

  262. I am thankful for my sister, Allison, who has Down Syndrome. She teaches me patience, helps me laugh every day, and shows me the infinite capacity of love that a human being can carry.

  263. I’m thankful for giant shelf of dog-eared books to get me through the cold days to come.

  264. I am blessed with a lot and very thankful for those blessings – a loving family, a fabulous husband, a great life and my favorite author is releasing a new book of my favorite wizard on my BIRTHDAY!!!

  265. For my kids and wife

  266. I’m thankful to have a little girl who’s too smart for her own good 😉

  267. I am thankful for the scarlet-haired lady who sent me this link about the ARC. I am thankful that she is in my life and that she writes fiction that is so engrossing.

  268. I am thankful for two healthy and smart daughters, and my wife.

  269. I’m thankful for all the love in my life. Oh, and that my magic hasn’t screwed up my iPhone and stopped me from making this comment … 8)

  270. I’m thankful for my job and my husband. Not necessarily in that order…

  271. I am thankful for Jim Butcher’s insight into humans and their relationships to good and evil. While teaching a gospel doctrine class in Sunday School, I quoted from “Changes” and now there’s yet another fan of Dresden Files, as one of the attendees came up afterwards and wanted to know about the books. Lent her every one of mine and now she buys them for her e-book reader.

  272. carol powell

    At this particular moment, I am thankful that I am a follower and fan of @scalzi who pointed me to this site for a contest in which to win a copy of what I am expecting to be a wonderful novel… which unless I win a ARC, will be read to me by Marsters via … but I do also have a hard copy pre-ordered; so should I miraculously win an ARC, I have a Christmas present pre-ordered instead! 🙂

  273. greendragonranger

    I’m thankful for my amazing girlfriend Jennifer who is helping me keep sane after dealing with my family.

  274. I am thankful that I was lazy one year and got the chance to read Changes and Ghost story together. Man, imagine reading those two a year apart… Bad reader vs bad author, ha.

  275. Etienne Boshoff

    I am thankful for the internet allowing me to not only travel the world through it but connecting me to people from all over the world. It allows me to tell authors such as you just how much your work means to me. Keep up the great work Jim. Your fan from South Africa.

  276. I´m thankful for my hubby, don´t know what i´d do without him. =)

    best wishes, Linda

  277. I am thankful for my boyfriend of 4 years.He supports me in anything and everything.We always have an orphans Thanksgiving for all our friends who can’t go home to their families, he usually bakes all the desserts and I cook the dinner. That’s just one of the many reasons I am thankful for him. 🙂

  278. Benjamin Maman

    I’m thankful to my parents for putting up with me and my garbage my whole life.

  279. Siobhan Ferguson

    I am so grateful in having my husband in my life, it took me till I was 40 to meet him after far too many frogs!

  280. I am thankful for writers who are able to create a world and characters that you care about, yes, even the “bad” ones.

  281. I am thankful for my parents, who have always supported me and whose love and comfort has carried me in hard times. (Additionally, I am thankful for plane tickets home to see them soon!)

  282. I’m just thankful for being with my wife … and for you still writing about Harry & co. 🙂

  283. Frances Silversmith

    Happy Thanksday everybody, and a belated birthday greeting to you, Jennifer. 🙂
    I’ve got a lot to be thankful for right now, but if I have to pick one thing/person, it would have to be my husband, who not only tolerates but actively supports my writing.

  284. John Henderson

    I’m thankful for audiobooks. The dulcet tones of James Marsters have kept this motion sick prone guy entertained for many a long bus commute.

  285. Lorea Anderson

    I am thankful that the wait is almost over! Write faster, Jim!! LOL

  286. Victoria Denning

    I am thankful for my fiancé Jonny who helps me cope with my mums disability and puts up with my many mood swings.

  287. Holly Daugherty

    I am thankful for writers, I appreciate when they share their worlds with me, I also am thankful for my kindle, because it makes it easier to carry around those books!

  288. Christina White

    I very thankful for my husband. His odd ways of giving me love and support has really changed how i look at myself and the world.

  289. For my loving and caring family

  290. Susan Cornwall

    I am thankful for my kids. They made through their teen years without trouble!

  291. I am thankful that after Hurricane Sandy, my house is still standing and the people I love are safe. I am also thankful for all the people who have come from all over the country to help those of us in NJ to get back on our feet.

  292. I am thankful for Jim Butcher’s writing because it has given me many hours of conversation with my son. We recently introduced his books to my mother, and now three generations are discussing Harry Dresden.

  293. I’m thankful for all of my very supportive friends and family in my life. They are always there for me, no matter how much bull@&$! I seem to heap on them!!

  294. I’m thankful for a family that loves me, a job that pays the bills, a place to come home to, and less than 2 weeks until Cold Days.

  295. I am thankful for a beautiful and healthy family. You easily forget how important that is until life reminds you

  296. I’m thankful for the friends I have that get it when I refer to myself as “The Za-Lord”. Thanks Jim…:)

  297. I am thankful for the ability to wake up every day in a war-free town where I am free to say and act as I please. I am thankful that I have food to eat and a place to sleep. I am thankful that I have someone in my life to share this with.

  298. I am grateful to my parents, who supported me in my writing from the very beginning – and when (at 13) I started snatching my Mom’s work laptop into my room every day to work on my novel, they bought me my first ever laptop. Even though it was a used ancient clunker, it made it all possible!

  299. I am thankful for my parents who spent more money on books than toys.

  300. I am thankful for my husband who is doing dishes while I drink tea in bed and surf the net. Spoiled? Moi?

  301. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, who has always been my light through all darkness. It was his enthusiasm for Jim Butcher’s series that got me hooked as well. 🙂 So I post here for him, my own fairy tale come true. ❤

  302. I’m thankful for the plotting I got done on my novel yesterday – more than I’ve written all year!

  303. CRASHtheGREY

    I am thankful for my daughter, born this year and now ten months old. I hope to one day introduce her to the Dresden Files as well.

  304. I’m thankful for the chance to win an ARC of Cold Days!

  305. Very thankful for my family, for their support and constant love … also for NaNoWriMo that is pushing me to have the rough draft finished by December 1st!

  306. I’m thankfully that hurricane sandy didn’t take my family. Possessions can be replaced but I’m very thankful me and mine are safe

  307. I am very thankful for my girlfriend, Rachel. She is there for me when the stresses of everyday life get to be a burden and brightens up my day just by talking to me.

  308. I am thankful that I might get a chance to walk next year for the first time in three years in everything goes well.

  309. I am thankful to God for life and grace. I am thankful for Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the chance to see forgiveness and redemption for myself and for others, which is a major reason why I love the Dresden series. “It is one thing to say ‘Let the world burn’ and another to say ‘Let Molly burn’.” Jim, in a single kick-ass line you summed up the series.
    One last thing: I am grateful for the time I had with my cousin Wayne, who died yesterday. He found out he had cancer last Thursday, and was immediately placed in hospice and then died less than a week after the diagnosis. This has been a tough year for loss for us, as my uncle died this past spring, and in the midst we have been reminded to be thankful for the time we have. And I am.

  310. Alexandre Weffort Thenorio

    I an thankful for the great parents I have and I look forward to the book.

  311. Daniel Nelson

    As a first time father I am so thankful for my wife and God. Her sacrifice everyday can never be repaid. My son is eight weeks old and I am so thankful to have him in my life. Thank you, Meladee. I love you

  312. Jake Hensley

    I am thankful for my close friend and sister in every way that matters. She has always been there for me and stood by my side, even when I didn’t deserve it. Love you Kailin!

  313. Pat Connelly

    I am thankful for my wife and kids who teach me more than I could have ever imagined. I am thankful for writers who work with care and craft and create new worlds for us to play in. I am thankful that my oldest has caught the reading bug and now I know she will never be without knowledge and respite

  314. Would really really love to read Cold Days early. Just finished re-reading all of The Dresden files in preparation for its release.

  315. I’m thankful for my mom. She’s going to be 79 in a couple of days after Thanksgiving.

  316. Scott Marshall

    I am thankful for the Dresden files for giving me reading enjoyment over cold winter nights.

  317. I am thankful for my family: my wife is loving and understanding, my children are wonderful, and my brothers and sisters are some of my best friends.

  318. I am thankful for my daughter, my wife, and my job, and while I will never quantify which is more important, I have to say I am thankful for my imagination.

  319. I’m thankful for my mother who, among all else, encouraged a love of reading into me

  320. I am so very thankful that characters like Tavi and Harry live in the minds of creative genius types like Jim so that I can escape to worlds so much cooler than this one to visit and play where dragons are real 🙂

  321. I’m thankful for my sister, who helps me every single day.

  322. Becky Schmitt

    I am thankful for having just enough…good times; bad times; sunlight; rain; laughter; loving; friends; and family…including 2 new grand daughters.

  323. I am thankful for my children, whose crazy antics and innocent (albeit warped) view of reality make me question my views of the world and my role in it. Their amazement and passion drives me to capture that in my own writing. One day I may find that, like my 4 year old son, I have stories where the trees that go “pew pew pew” too.

  324. I am thankful for good books. There can never be too many.

  325. I’m thankful for my wife who sits beside me while we read, or watches TV while I read… even if she isn’t a big Dresden fan.

  326. I am thankful for my father, who has been my #1 fan and my hero all my life. In his eyes, I can do anything, and when I don’t have confidence in myself, his confidence carries me along to better things.

  327. So thankful for my husband of 32 years, and our son!

  328. I’m thankful for my wife and three wonderful daughters.

  329. I am thank for all the good fortune I have had over the years that have lead me to be able to go to college, play the sport I love, meet new friends, and learn that when you’re young your parents don’t know anything but a little while longer and you realize exactly how much they know and everything they mean to you.

  330. I am thankful for modern medicine – without it, I would not have my children.

  331. Jacqueline Colla

    I am thankful to have love and companionship in my life.

  332. I’m thankful for Imagination, to be able dream up entire worlds, stories, and lives is one of the greatest gifts in this world.

  333. I’m thankful for my wife who puts up with me and all my idiosynchracities

  334. I’m just thankful. And I’m not going to press my luck by specifying.

  335. My bubbly blonde toddler son leaves me thankful and humbled at the end of every day, as he falls asleep to grand tales of gritty heroes and magic lands that exist side by side with us.

  336. James Proudfit

    please enter me

  337. I’m thankful for my wife…she makes me laugh every single day

  338. I am Thankful for my parient’s love of reading a good book. And for all the hours of pleasure I have gotten from Jim’s books! Have a good Thanksgiving All!

  339. Jonathan Haag

    I am thankful for my family. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  340. charles taylor

    I am thankful for my wife, who Loves me in spite of my quirks. I’m thankful for my two sons, and my stepdaughter, and my two granddaughters. I’m always thankful when a new Dresden novel comes out, can’t forget to be thankful for my friend John Searcy who introduced me to the World of Dresden, and how incredibly distracting they can be when one needs a reality break!

  341. I’m thankful for my mother, brothers, friends, and man’s best friend. I’m also thankful that our government may start being bipartisan again. I hope.

  342. I’m thankful that English language book ordering in Europe has gotten easier and with more titles so I can get Jim’s book fast now when it comes out.

  343. I am thankful for being alive because at 5 years old the lower half of my body was crushed by a huge petrol truck. The doctors gave me no chance but here I am today ! I’m also very thankful for a great parents and three wonderful sister’s who”ve always been there for me.

  344. I’m thankful for my wonderful family, and especially thankful that the two of my sons who have been sticken with cancer are doing as well as they are, and that we still have them to cherish.

  345. I’m thankful for my son Stefan who puts up with all my crazieness and loves to read Dresden books with me.

  346. Shari Ciancio

    I am thankful for my daughter, who is smart, astute and the best “personal reader” ever! (That’s like a personal shopper, except it’s all related to books: she recommends books, authors, series. That’s how I found out about Jim Butcher and the Dresden series!)

  347. I am thankful for my wife, children (all 7 of them) and the rest of my family.

  348. Michael Heinsohn

    I’m thankful for my dear friend Christine, who has shown me love and friendship, as well as support when I needed it.

  349. Peter VanCouvering

    I am thankful for the good fortune I have had in life and for those that I get to share it with.

  350. excaliburlightsaber

    I am thankful for my Father, who died last July, 7/2011. He taught me how to be a good man, to appreciate things in life. I can remember as a child we would take hikes in the hills together. He taught me trees and plants and the wonders God’s nature lwft for us to see.

    He taught me contruction/carpentry, electrical and plumbing. I have used all those skills since he has pased in the home he left behind.

    He wasn’t perfect, he had his issues. PTSD from Vietnam made him closed emotionally most of the time. He always seemed to find time for me amidst that depression and anxiety though.

    I miss him, but I also know he prepared me for my life wihout him.

    His long battle with cancer was hard fought, and now he has his reward.

    I hope everyone finds that in their life. The peace of knowing the one they love no longer suffers. I thank my Father for all these things.

  351. I am thankful for my wife for dozens of various reasons but for especially being there for me when I suddenly lost my father. I wouldn’t have made it through that year without her.

  352. Anthony Davis

    I’m so thankful to my friend, Robert Miller, for turning me on to the Dresden Files! And then I discovered Codex Alera too, so many hours of enoyable reading! Thanks, Jim!

  353. John Kelbaugh

    I am always thankful for my father and the fact that he is still with us.

  354. Debbie Richardson

    I’m thankful for my grandkids and the joy they bring me, and can’t wait to introduce them to my favorite hero, Harry Dresden!

  355. I’m thankful for my family. They’ve got their ups and downs but they’re there for me when I need them.

  356. Michael Murvine

    I am thankful for the limitless possibilities and worlds that are at our fingertips.

  357. I am thankful for my wonderful husband. He stood by me through my Dad’s death in January, my grandmother’s death at our wedding reception in April, me losing my job in May and the birth of our wonderful baby boy in October. He has made it easier for me to deal with all the loss of this year by being there when I have needed it most. I am so very grateful to have him and his family in my life.

  358. I’m grateful for so many things…but right now I can’t help thinking of my new cat, waiting for me to come home and play with her and provide the perfect nap lap.

  359. I’m thankful for my boyfriend who puts up with my shenanigans and who got bit by the Dresden bug even harder than I did!

  360. Markus Utriainen

    Oh so many things to list and so little space.
    My family and my friends are healthy, we got food and enough money to spend. My girlfriend is treating me good. No wars around my corner of the world and all is well.

    List goes on and on.

    ps. thx for editing Jim’s books.

  361. I’m thankful for all of my crazy internet roleplaying/D&D friends, without whom I might never have picked up a Jim Butcher title.

  362. Craig DeYoung

    I’m thankful for the grace of God and the work of creative artists who put into words the internal moral struggles many undergo, albeit not in such dramatic fashion as Harry Dresden and his Justice League.

  363. Donald Barnett

    I am thankful for my family! Also, I’m thankful I am almost done with my Master’s degree.

  364. Dennis Van de Hee

    I am thankful for my beautiful and amazing fiance. Life just wouldn’t be the same with the magic her love brings to my life every single day!

  365. I’m thankful that things like literature, music and art can bring people together from all kinds of walks of life and personalities, and we can open ourselves up to new experiences and make friends with people we never would have met otherwise. Common threads, man. It’s cool. P.S. – And thank you, Harry, for being one of those common threads. I spread the gospel of Dresden anywhere I possibly can and have gotten several people hooked. 🙂

  366. I am thankful every day that my husband, Nick relented and we adopted our 1st puppy,Sammy.. Then a year after that we adopted another, our Daisy. They have brought so much love, fun and snuggly moments I can’t imagine life without them! or my husband!! 🙂

  367. I’m thankful that i have family that i can rely on.

  368. I’m thankful that my wife and I are expecting our first child.

  369. W. Jason Allen

    I’m thankful for my girlfriend, without whom I would not be nearly as decent a person as I have become since I met her.

  370. I am thankful of my parents who put in the hard work during their life time to get me where i am in life now

  371. Jefferson Smith

    I am thankful for my children, grandchild and wonderful wife!

  372. I am thankful that somewhere, at some point in time, someone decided to put words together on pages of something like paper, and create books. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “I can not live without books.”

  373. I am thankful I have a smart, healthy daughter who loves to learn, play, and read. I can’t wait until she’s old enough for books by excellent authors like Jim Butcher.

  374. I’m thankful for my parents and my brother who were always there when I needed them. I’ll be sure to always return the favor.

  375. Joseph Carney

    I’m thankful for my family, for without them I would never be where I’m am today.

  376. I am thankful for my wonderful family – my husband, my 4 year old triplets, and the little one coming in January.

  377. Richard Smithmeyer

    I am thankful to my wonderful gf for putting up with my stubborn ass as well as helping me through the tough times.

  378. I am thankful for imagination. Through books or other means, imagination gives us an escape from the stresses and mundane-ness of everyday life from which we can immerse ourselves in and simply forget for just a little while.

  379. I wake up every morning, my eyes, ears and limbs work just fine. My family loves me and I have a great job working with really good people. I’m grateful that I don’t need to worry about any of the above and pray for those who do on a daily basis.

  380. I am thankful for my parents, without whom I would be surely spending what little free time I get now and all of it growing up just playing video games (as much as I still love them) or watching T.V. instead of reading book after book after book. I owe the both of them my intense love for literature and I would not be so anxiously awaiting the release of the latest Dresden novel like I have done since I picked up Storm Front.

  381. Omar Rodriguez

    I am thankful to Harry Dresden for ending the great vampire infestation of 2010.

  382. Andrew Malaspina

    I’m thankful to have a job, a roof over my head, and a wonderful woman to keep me focused on what’s important in this world.

  383. Bill Harting

    I’m thankful I get to meet my three month old nephew this weekend.

  384. I am thankful for every author that has made me laugh, cry, and yell in anger and frustration for the past 25 years. And I am very thankful for my Kindle, through which enjoyment flows like a river.

  385. I am thankful for my friends and family, and thankful to Harry Dresden for keeping me, my husband, and now my daughter HIGHLY entertained!

  386. I’m thankful for my Mother, who has done so much for me, listing it would require me to make a blog. She’s given my a place to live when I no longer have a job, supported my interests, even when I won’t stop talking about them. She’s always been glad that I read (a lot), and that I love to do it too. I can’t list everything I’m thankful for (Or even in order of importance or priority), but in the end, I’m thankful she’s my Mom, and that I have her to love. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

  387. I am grateful to have another great book coming out so I can curl up and read while I am alone during the holidays.

  388. I’m thankful for my wife – she puts up with the fact that I’m still a kid at heart, offers me everything, and all she asks is that I love her in turn.

  389. I’m thankful for my father, who missed my family’s Thanksgiving last year because he was deployed to Kabul Afghanistan with the Minnesota National Guard. I’m especially thankful that he is home with my family so we can celebrate Thanksgiving, and his birthday (which is the day before) together.

  390. michelle reynolds

    i am thankful to my wonderful partner who introduced me to the dresden files, and also to james who does a fantastic audio reading…

  391. I’m thankful for Jim Butcher making a better series about a wizard named Harry than J.K. Rowling.

  392. I work in a bookstore, an industry that has been written off more times than I can count, and everyday I am thankful for all of the customers that come through the doors. Reading has changed a lot over the last few years with more and more people reading on their various electronic devices (guilty as charged here) and its good to actually still be able to put a book in a customers hand.

    On a different note, thanks Jim for this series and it was because of the note at the end of all of the books that I read, and loved, the other series as well! Maybe someday Tavi will make an appearance in the fight against Mab!

  393. I’m thankful for many things, but I’ll mention my good friend Dave, who shares my passion for reading all things Harry, as well as good science fiction and fantasy in general. He’s a great friend to enjoy a cup of tea and have a conversation with, and has been for the past 18 years.

  394. I am thankful for my wife who completed me.
    A few nuts and screws were missing.

  395. I am thankful for my children. Though they might be the source of my stress, they balance it out with the love and joy they bring me.

  396. Caio Madureira

    I´m thankful for this oportunity to maybe read cold days before the 27th!!

  397. I am thankful for my granddaughters who help me see the world through their eyes

  398. I’m thankful for my wife, who puts up with both my nerdiness and makes every day better than the one before it.

  399. Martha Santos

    I´m thankful that there is only 12 more days to go without my jim butcher fix!!

  400. Lawrence Smedley

    I am thankful for my son and i am very proud of him!

  401. I am very grateful for my girlfriend who has been very supportive during some stressful work weeks.

  402. Ben McKinney

    I’m happy to my parents who encouraged me to read and for my sister who introduced me to the Dresden Files a few years ago.

  403. Nathan Crowe

    I am thankful for my two beautiful daughters who make my heart melt every day by just saying “I love you Daddy”. I am thankful for my wonderful wife who understands that I must use every free moment to reread the entire Dresden Files series so I will be fully refreshed for Cold Days.

  404. I am thankful to my love, Beth for introducing me to Jim’s work so long ago.

  405. I am thankful for my family.

  406. I am thankful for my good health.

  407. I am thankful for the ability to get up everyday and see the beauty of everyday life!

  408. I am thankful for my Husband. Because, he has generous heart.

  409. I am thankful for my son who drives me completely up the wall, and is worth every hair I pull out of my head.

  410. I’m thankful for meeting Josh Powell, he was a good friend and colleague

  411. I am thankful that my husband decided that shared nerdiness was enough in common to come visit me here in the U.S. after having only met twice in person to see if he actually liked me. I guess he did since he moved here and marred me four years later.

  412. I’m thankful for my partner, who reads as voraciously as I do and is almost as nerdy. 😉

  413. I am thankful for my kids, for being kids and enjoying the simple things in life like building blocks and visits to the library.

  414. Valentinesmith

    I am thankful that I live in Australia, and have awesome siblings.

  415. I am thankful for my wife for supporting me in everything I do!

  416. I’m thankful for my awesome wife who indulges my insatiable reading habit.

  417. Shelly McCullough

    I am thankful that I can read, can choose what I read, and where I read it. Very grateful for that, ’cause it doesn’t happen everywhere, folks.

  418. Derek Thompson

    I am thankful for my job, and my family, as well as my best friend Meg, who lent me her copie of stormfront and helped me discover these and other great books years ago.

  419. I am thankfull for my wife.

  420. I am thankful for my wife in supporting me in all I do and for our dogs!

  421. There are so many things I am thankful for, my wife and family for accepting me for who I am and loving me unconditionally.

  422. I am thankful for my health, family, and friends. Also for being able to read so I can enjoy Harry Dresden’s exploits.

  423. I am thankful that my sick cat/son is not dead yet (since I can not bear for him to die), and that COLD DAYS will help me laugh and get through some of the coming days.

  424. I am thankful that there are still great authors willing to write incredible books, and also that there are still people willing to read them! 🙂

  425. Randall Moritz

    I am thankful for my family.

  426. Amanda Richardson

    I am thankful for my wonderful husband and the baby on the way.

  427. I am thankful that even though I don’t have a family on paper, I have a wonderful support group to share in both joys and sorrows!

  428. I am thankful that I live in one of the greatest countries of the world, in which we have freedom of speech and freedom to worship as you pleased. I am also thankful for the opportunity to expressed my appreciation for Jim Butcher’s from worlds of the “Fury” adventures to Wizard Harry Dresden’s life before and after. What great reading.

  429. David Mallonee

    I am thankful for my wife Misty Mallonee and my two children Jack and Ellison.

  430. Tecumseh Bryson

    I’m thankful for my fiancee who helped nurse me back to health from complicatios of Pertussis

  431. Ira McKitrick

    I am thankful for all those who sacrifice time with family and friends and help to protect the country whether in the Military, Police, Fire Services, or EMS; in country or abroad.

  432. I am thankful for every opportunity I have ever been afforded.

  433. I am extremely grateful for my family without whom I would be very lonely and humorless. 🙂 I am also thankful that print editions of books still exist in this world of e-books. LOL!

  434. Paul W. King

    I am thankful for my wonderful wife and darling daughters.

  435. Rob Stilwell

    I am thankful for the family that loves me, the country that houses me, and for my health.

  436. I am thankful for my family. I don’t know what I’d do without my parents and siblings.

  437. I a grateful for my daughter – who met Jim and can’t wait to be old enough to read Harry Dresden. Yesterday she bounded down the stairs and asked that we explain to her the various types of werewolf. Yeah, that’s my kid!

  438. thnkful that harry is still alive.

  439. I am thankful for my sanity, family and the few real friends that stick with you throught life.

  440. I am thankful for my 2 boys and wife they make life so much better

  441. Anastasia Sullinger

    I’m thankful for my husband and my two little boys. They are the greatest!

  442. I am thankful for the ability and blessings of being able to make the choices I choose. I am thankful that I have had so many opportunities in life and able to enjoy the life I have.

  443. Having already lost the first woman I loved to Cancer, I am incredibly grateful for the love and endurance of my fiancee, Hannah, who is struggling through Young-Onset Parkinson’s Disease. After I lost my mother I did not believe that I could love so deeply again. She has changed my life for the better and continues to do so everyday. I know she is grateful for me as much as I am her.

  444. I am thankful for the stress of living. As annoying as it can get, life’s better than the alternative.

  445. im thankful for my loving wife 🙂

  446. Dylan Grossman

    I am thankful for my brothers.Who always seem to have my back.

  447. Gabriel Medeiros

    I am thankful for my beautiful and supportive girlfriend and for my family and friends.

  448. I am thankful for god.

  449. I’m thankful for all the wonderful authors and books out there that have made my life that much more awesome.

  450. I am thankful for my family and for the time I had with those no longer with us. I am also extremely glad I have employment.

  451. I am thankful for my family.

  452. Connor Gautam

    I’m thankful for my sister’s, for providing me with joy challenges and boundless tolerance for my eccentricities.

  453. Kenneth Waldroup

    I am thankful for my late grandfather Howard Edwards. Gone many years, he was a brilliant educator and free thinker in the mountains of North Carolina, not then known for such native sons. He was also something of a wise ass, which is why I think he would have liked Harry as much as I do…

  454. Donald Kiesling

    I am Very thankful that there are Authors to write the stories that need to be written and publishers that make sure we get to read them! Thank You Mr. Jim Butcher, I have read every book he’s written so far…not a trend I plan on breaking anytime soon.

  455. I’m thankful for all the friends I have in my life that help me survive day by day and make life fun and interesting. Im thankful for all those things that keep life a mystery, while still being special

  456. I am thankful to my parents which made me into the person I am now.

  457. I am thankful for my grandpa Siggy. He was not my biological grandfather, and he married my grandmother later on in life with no children of his own. I remember being a curious boy and him teaching me how to play chess. To admit, I was terrible at it, but he was patient. He would teach me every move and the “why” behind it. He taught me so much in life is like chess. I need to think moves ahead, and consider the intentions behind every play against me. I remember growing to love vanilla icecream with chocolate syrup. It was his favorite, and we would eat it while playing. Even though he passed away almost 10 years ago, I remember these memories vividly. He loved me like I was his real grandson, and there is something to be said of that. He WAS my grandfather, and I am thankful of the time I had with him.

  458. I am thankful for my son, whose dirty diapers require me to get up every morning.

  459. I am thankful for my loving wife, my supportive family, my amazing children, and my friends who have stayed by my side through thick and thin. It is an amazing world and all the people within it make it oh so special!

  460. I am thankful for my family and all of the support and love they give me. I am also thankful for those willing to put their lives on the line to keep us safe, be they police, firemen, or servicemen/women.

  461. I am thankful for my wonderful loving wife, my parents who always encouraged me to be the best I could, my three children who inspire me to always do better, and for four more years of Biden gaffs.

  462. I’m thankful I was adopted by parents who were ready to care for a child from parents who weren’t. I probably couldn’t have done much better.

  463. Clint Baxter

    I am thankful for finally having a full time job after working part time the past couple of years. Still not making what I was before, but at least it’s a steady paycheck.

  464. I’m thankful for my step-dad who had introduce me to my long-term, favorite career, firefighting

  465. I am thankful to just be alive.

  466. Tripp Potterfield

    I’m thankful for my girlfriend Liz and my job.

  467. I am thankful for my local library; for without them I would of never found The Dresden Files.

  468. I am thankful for having a job that allows me to support my loving wife, but also provides me with a little free time for myself when I need it most.

  469. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for my wife. I met her online and when she asked me to marry her I was flabbergasted but said yes and the rest is history

  470. I am thankful for my beautiful wife Jamie for putting up with all my foibles.

  471. Gabriel Gohery

    I am so grateful for a chance to continue the journey into the world of Harry Dresden.

  472. Cant wait for release day of this book

  473. The ability to read. Also writers who make the skill worth having.

  474. I’m thankful for the opportunity to travel and the means to see family again

  475. I’m thankful for my growing family.

  476. Keefe Duncan

    I am thankful not so much for a person but for a group: those who stand in harm’s way so we might enjoy our freedoms. It is a great comfort to be go about life with out the stress and concerns these individuals challenge everyday for me and my family.

  477. I am thankful that this year i am able to be with my family for the holidays. I have been sick for a while, and it didnt look like it was going to happen, but i am in a remission, and i feel amazing.

  478. ThatKeytarDude

    I’m thankful for my girlfriend. We’re going on vacation soon and she doesn’t mind that I’ll be spending a little of that time reading Cold Days 🙂

  479. Alexander Ebenhoeh

    I’m Thankful for my wife and son, whos first Thanksgiving it will be!

  480. I’m thankful for healthy children.

  481. Steven Fleischaker

    I am thankful for my friends, the Berons, Ed, Anna, and Elle. Ed and Anna for their friendship, and Elle who at 3 is way more awesome than we are, and who introduced me to Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2. No fangs, no venom.

  482. I’m thankful for writers like Jim Butcher, and this marvelous concatenation of technology that brings books to me in different ways that were inconceivable just a few decades ago.

  483. I am thankful for surviving my multiple trips to Iraq and Afghanistan and having Harry there with me to help take my mind off of it.

  484. Alex Johnston

    I’m thankful for great writers and the books they release!

  485. I am thankful for my family. They are there when I need them.

  486. Douglas Bennett

    I am thankful for my wife. (I’m thankful for countless things really, but the vast majority can be attributed to my wife).

  487. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for having jobs, that while tiring, never fail to inspire me, and help me pay my bills (and buy books). I’m thankful for my cat who waits at the door for me when I come home, sometimes late at night.

  488. Dwayne Keller

    I’m thankful for all the Veterans, Police, and Paramedics that give of themselves to keep us safe.

  489. I am thankful for my wife, suffering through the coming cold days, ready to give birth to our first child.

  490. I am thankful to my mother for putting up with my nonsense.

  491. I am thankful for my family, my friends and my cats. I am thankful for jobs I like that (while exhausting some days) continue to inspire me AND pay the bills. And buy books. 🙂

  492. I am thankful for my son and how he came into my life.

  493. I’m thankful for my loving, beautiful wife and all my family.

  494. I am thankful to my teachers, especially my grade 1 and 2 teacher for encouraging me to learn how to read and for pushing me to get a better education and be smarter, and putting up with me when I read non-course material in class.

  495. I am thankful for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, without whom the entire news industry would be wholly irredeemable.

  496. I’m thankful that finally after what seems like forever, Cold Days is almost here. Not only do my 2 boys and I fight over who gets to read any of Jim Butcher’s books first, my father, who dropped out of school at age 13, looks forward to them as well. Until I introduced my father to the Dresden Files series, he had only read one other novel in his life, and he is now 65. Thanks for giving a family of avid readers hope for someone who thought he was too old to start.

  497. I’m thankful for my family because without them nothing else would really matter.

  498. I’m thankful for my Mom, who has taken care of me (And my brothers), supported me in whatever I’ve wanted to do, and pushed me to always be a better person in general. Being a single parent is never easy, so I respect her more than anyone in the world, and wouldn’t be who I was today without her. She also got me into reading at a very young age. =)

  499. Thomas Valentine

    I am thankful for my friends, who support me regardless of the stupid stuff I pull.

  500. I’m thankful for my parents who formed all the good things about me. The bad stuff is all my fault.

  501. I’m thankful for my wonderful 18 month old son who always makes me smile & brings joy to my life every day.

  502. I am thankful formy friends and family who support me and my dream of becoming an author

  503. Randy Ohmstead

    I am so gratefull of my good friend and brother-in-law, Dan White. He not only introduced me to the fantastic world of Harry Dredsen, but we have been in various bands since I was a young lad of 16. We have had many great adventures, some we might share with our grand kids – maybe. So thank you Dan, you’re the best.

  504. My Family! for keeping me Sane and grounded. LOL. 😉

  505. Steven Earle

    I am thankful for my best friend. he was a soldier in Afghanistan when his Sargent decided to shoot him without provocation, well he was promptly sent to a hospital were he was declared dead 3 different times and yet in the end still managed to live, though he is now in a wheel chair. We have been friends so long i cannot remember a time without him as my friend and the fact that i still have him makes me very thankful.

  506. I am thankful for my new job, where I can do something I truly enjoy, with people I think are cool.

  507. I am thankful for my local library, where I first discovered Jim’s books, which subsequently led to meeting some of my now best friends for forever.

  508. I am thankful for my relationship with Christ and the healing that has been brought into my life. I also thank InterVarsity for helping me grow in my relationship with God.

  509. Brad Courtney

    I’m thankful to be realtively healthy and with a family that loves me!

  510. Carolyn Busby

    I am thankful for my parents who left Korea with nothing 40 years ago, and sacrificed everything to make a better life for my brother and I. They worked 18 hour days at a convenience store to put us through graduate school so we could become doctors. Everything I am is because of them. Thank you, Mommy and Daddy. I hope I make you proud.

  511. Kory Harreschou

    I am thankful to the friends and family who helped me move to Portland, and those who have continued to support me during challenging times.

  512. Brian D. Walton

    I’m thankful that my good friend Nate Johnson gave me a copy of Storm Front for my birthday years ago, that Mr. Jim Butcher is alive and well, and that he writes (and plans to continue writing) such great novels! I’m also thankful that this year the book comes out fairly close to my birthday (11/16), so I can buy myself one of the greatest presents ever, a Dresden Files book!

  513. Auburn Herron

    I am thankful for the TV series of the Dresden Files , even though it was only one season (not one of SyFy’s best decisions), which sparked an interest to read Jim’s books. An interest shared with my son. Now we read everything we can of his and I’m also thankful for those conversations we have about the stories.

  514. I am thankful for my wife and daughters. I broke my neck in the Army 20 years ago. I came home with no reguard for my own life and met the woman who gifted me with 2 daughters. I took on everything I could to make them have a wonderful life. I teach them all I can and they give me every reason to keep going. I would never leave them thinking I didnt love them enough to stay here and be near them. Thank them for chosing me and thank God for allowing it to be.

  515. I am thankful for my bestfriend Taimi, she found me when was homeless and starving and has nursed me to health, she has given me a chance to live and frankly without her I don’t think I would be alive and learning to love life.

  516. Here’s to Family,through thick and thin, I love them :^)

  517. I am thankful for my amazing wife and wonderful kids who support me throughout all my weirdness.

  518. grant jacobs

    I’m thankful for good books, a warm house, and a cold beer on my day off. Nuff said.

  519. I am thankful for an awesome job.

  520. I am thankful for my favorite TV shows and books, which provide a release and keep me sane.

  521. i am thankful for my family and friends

  522. Michael Ingersoll

    I am thankful for a great group of friends, family and a wonderful career saving lives and helping families.

  523. I’m thankful for winter.

  524. I am thankful that I’m not as crazy as I should be.

  525. i am thankfull for having great authors in my world: like Brian Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, and of course, Jim Butcher.

  526. i am thankful for my uni giving my club money for games, computers and generally having fun

  527. Matthew Ironroad

    I’m grateful the time I have with my wife and daughter and look forward to many more such years.

  528. I am thankful my family and friends are healthy and happy.

  529. I am thankful for Harry’s weird hat on all of those covers because, apparently, in the Dresden Cover-verse, Harry is a role-playing cowboy.

  530. It’s hard to choose what to be thankful for this year. I am, as always thankful for my family (we’re closer now than we were before in the wake of my grandmother’s death last year), thankful for my fiancee (as I am every day we’re together), and thankful for all the love that I have had shared with others and others have shared with me over my lifetime. There are a lot of things I will be thankful for if they come to pass, but I won’t get ahead of myself. In all honesty, I am just thankful for my life, despite the hardships and setbacks, since it is made me who I am today. And thank you for this opportunity. Happy Thanksgiving.

  531. Michael Vakian

    I am thankful for my son, Connor, who with hope will someday walk down the same literary paths that I have trodden upon.

  532. I’m thankful for my wige who’ll give birth to my 2nd child in few months…

  533. I am thankful for my family; for my kids who challenge me and provide unconditional love and My wife who puts up with ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’

  534. I am thankful to my cousin Julia that introduced me to the wonders of a wizard living in the same city as I do. And very thankful to have a friend, who is with me in my college of engineering, taking time helping my studies and get our work done on time for the teachers.

  535. I am thankful for my husband who let me indulge in reading the adventures of Dresden.

  536. I am thankful for Shanrah Wakefield.

  537. I am thankful for the opportunity to live in a world where majesty can be amplified by tragedy, where the mundane is full of more magic than any Wizard.

  538. I am thankful for my family friends and favorite authors

  539. I am so thankful for the 3 women in my life, my wife and two daughters. They bring so much joy into my life. Life would be a much quieter place without them. May life with these continue to get better and better, happy thanksgiving to all.

  540. I am so thankful to have found Jim Butcher’s novels while browsing through the bookstore many, MANY years ago. I’ve enjoyed them so much, I’ve passed along the series to many people, including my own Dad! I’m thankful for an amazing Dad who raised both my brother and myself when my Mother left us when I was 16. Furthermore, I’m thankful for getting through the rough times in life and realizing how much life has to offer 🙂

  541. I’m thankful for the team of surgeons who bent my spine into a proper shape and saved me from eventual paralysis. Also my parents, they’re pretty good too.

  542. I’m thankful for parents who always made susre we had library cards and plenty of books where ever we moved, and we moved often when we were children due to my father’s military career. Books became constant companions.

  543. I’m thankful for my good friend Katherine. I haven’t had too many true good friends lately but she has been one.

  544. I’m thankful for my fiancé because she is a kickass human being!

  545. I am thankful for my family – we’re very close and although my kids’ father isn’t around, I never feel like a “single” parent because my family is very supportive. They are the best.

  546. Aaron E. Matthews

    I am thankful to my friends who convinced me to go through with gastric bypass surgery if not for them i would not likely be here today

  547. Matt Clewell

    I’m thankful for my family that is always there for me.

  548. Emily Dawson

    I am thankful for my family, my parents who support me in whatever I do, including paying for my college education while I study art of all things, while also paying for my brother’s extensive medical bills. I’m thankful for my brother, who is as awesomely insane and creative as me, being around and hopefully being well again someday. I’m thankful for my grandparents, who turned 90 this year, still being with us. And I am thankful every second of the day for my fiancé, who I’ve been madly in love with since the day we met over 6 years ago, who is a better partner and person than I ever could’ve dreamed of or hoped for, and I make a point of telling him so and thanking him for finding me before anyone else did. I also thank Harry Dresden for entertaining me for the past year, I can’t wait to see what he gets into- and out of- next! 😀 And finally, thanks to Jim Butcher, for writing this series, it probably is the best thing I’ve ever read. I mean, my birthday is the 22nd, but I’m looking forward to celebrating this book on the 27th even more than my birthday! lol XD

  549. I’m quite thankful for my wife and kids! 🙂

  550. I am thankful for my fiancee and my family

  551. I am thankful that this contest is open internationally! 🙂 I cannot wait for the release of Cold Days!

  552. For my two year old daughter, who at the age of 5 months had to endure heart surgery to repair two holes in her heart. She is now our little girl is bouncing around our apartment, as if nothing had ever been wrong with her. (But she still won’t eat properly!)

  553. I am thankful for my wife and my parents and our daughter.

  554. There are a few people in my life whom I am thankful for being in my life, and my mother tops that list.

    Thank you for the chance to win Cold Days! 🙂

  555. I’m thankful that I can support myself and want for nothing.

  556. I am thankful for my family and job.

  557. I’m thankful for my sons. 4 good boys who I love more than anything.

  558. I am thankful for my family, my friends, and my books.

  559. Brianna Agnew

    I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to watch my autistic brother overcome the obstacles in his way and that he shares my love of fantasy

  560. I am thankful for my family and friends….and the Dresden Files

  561. I am thankful for my wife and her constant ability to put up with me and my obsession with the Dresden Files.

  562. I’m thankful for my family’s health.

  563. Jeremy Kullander

    I am thankful for my brother, who introduced me to The Dresden Files years ago.

  564. Joseph Gleason

    My friend Karl, who never quite realizes that he saved my life by being my friend.

  565. John Fassbender

    My sister Lori for introducing my to the Dresden Files.

  566. I am thankful for my wife, and the cats. My job is a mixed blessing, but I am thankful that I still have it since my company is shipping more and more US jobs to India.

  567. I am grateful to my colleagues who turn a blind eye when I’m playing flash games at work.

  568. Natasha Kainz

    I am thankful for my son… he’s seven and being able to see everything through his eyes has given me a new appreciation in life. I’m also thankful for books – they can make me both laugh and cry and feel like I have traveled to different places!

  569. Joerg Mosthaf

    I am thankfull for my wife who understands me and doesn’t kick my ass every time I spend an entire weekend making music and playing games with friends 🙂

  570. I am extremely thankful for free range turkey and honeycrisp apples. And family. In no particular order.

  571. I’m thankful for my husband who keeps the house together during my “busy season” at work. Thankful for my family, my job, and my library!

  572. I’m thankful for my brother, who can brighten even a crappy day with just a phone call and who gets all my off-the-wall references and plays off them.

  573. I am thankful for second chances and forgiveness.

  574. I’m thankful for God’s lovingkindness.

  575. johndipietro

    I’m thankful for the continuation of a great saga of books, which bring light to me even in the darker times (well, except THAT one… ;))
    And also thankful for the chance to see my family next week, and that I’ll go home earlier than expected so I can share in our yearly traditions on Thursday morning!

  576. Dwayne Worley

    I am so thankful for my wonderful family that I cannot begin to express it in words. They are all amazing and unique.

  577. David Fortin

    I am thankful for my parents. Without their help and guidance I never would have become the man I am today.

  578. I’m thankful for my silly daughter, my brilliant and hilarious husband, and my amazing and supportive friends and family!

  579. I am thankful for my family, my friends, and my life.

  580. I am thankful for my family. It may be cliche, but knowing to my core that there are people who love the best and worst of me without condition allows me to face the world with head held high.

  581. I’m thankful for my doctor-traumatologist who made walk again and I’m so thankful for Dresden Files’s heroes because they make me stronger even in the darkest hours.

  582. I’m thankful for my life (all of it: the good, the bad and the ugly).

  583. I am thankful to my best friend, Jae, for always being there and kicking cancer in the ass. I’m thankful for my parents for always being there by my side through good and bad times. I’m thankful to my first grade teacher who told me that I’ll have challenges but I can become who ever I want (and we still talk on a regular basis). I’m oddly thankful for all the teachers and people who told me that I wouldn’t amount to anything because it just made me want to show them how wrong they truly are.

  584. I am thankfully for my freedom.

  585. Aimee Burnell

    I am thankful for all the opportunities that have come my way in the last year. I’m also thankful to all the people who made those opportunities possible.

  586. david kresowaty

    I am thankful for my family and my friends. And President Barack Obama being reelected!

  587. Leland Markley

    I am thankful for my son is the light of my world, he is the reason I strive to be a better person and to constantly improve (while I’m not very good at it, I do try!)

  588. JoAnna Luney

    i am thankful for my husband and my two beautiful boys. i am thankfull for the ability to read. i am thankful for amazing books to read.

  589. Tyson Purcell

    I’m thankful for my daughter Parker. When she came into the world my eyes were opened and my life forever changed for the better. -There’s nothing like having the motivation of living a better life for the ones that depend on you.

  590. Daniel Stahel Christiansen

    I am thankfull of the events, in a world of infinite probability, leading to my birth and life. (Hey! we could all have been born with 3 eyes or not at all, consider that.)

  591. I am thankful for the little things in life we take for granted. Hurricane Sandy recently left almost a foot of sea water in my first floor and we were without power and heat for over a week. Now that the power is back and demo is starting on the first floor soon, I am grateful and consider myself a lucky person in the wake of this devastating storm. Many people weren’t as luck as my family and I count my blessings.

  592. Bill Meekins

    I’m thankful for my daughter, Elena. She makes me want to be a better person, and the best dad that I can be.

  593. Lídia Moraes

    I am thankfull for a big and living família and to be able to read and discover great and fantastics worlds through the imagination of authors who defies reality and make life much more interesting. And friends with who i share this small passion. Great to be able to read and live the good books.

  594. Katherine Weaver

    I am grateful for my husband. Even though we married young, he has always worked so hard to support & provide for us. We both worked & went to university. And when I worked & he was in grad school; he studied so hard & always thanked me in his research papers & publicly often. He loves me despite my foibles. 12 years, 2 children, & extra pounds later he still thinks I’m beautiful. He is kind, loving, selfless, & thoughtful. I can’t imagine life without him. It’s him I always share a good book with & him who introduced me to the Dresden Files.

  595. My daughters. They are the ones that have kept me going. Each girl has traits from me so I feel like I will leave something of myself behind when I pass on.

  596. I am thankful for my family. My parents who had me, my siblings who tolerate me, my husband who married and loves me, my children who still need me, and my grandchildren who love me. I am also thankful for all of my friends who make the days go by with laughter and tears.

  597. Michael Hannah

    I am thankful for all the police officers and firefighters everywhere, because of you, we are safer in our lives, while you risk yours. Thank you.

  598. I’m thankful for my boyfriend, who dragged me out of depression and back on the path to sanity.

  599. Joseph Trowbridge

    I am thankful for my wife, my soulmate and the two daughters we have together. They are the Ying to my Yang, the lights of my life and the reasons I have for living and breathing.

  600. I am thankful to God for so many things in my life, especially for my little hometown bookstore and their buy-two-get-one-half-off policy for paperbacks which allowed me to meet Harry all those years ago.

  601. I am thankful for my beautiful, charming, funny, sensitive, enthusiastic and adorable wife Tania, who gave me Brazil, a new family, a fresh outlook on life, career, goals and dreams.

  602. I am thankful for my family, both in this world and the next, good friends, and having a job in my chosen field, genetic cancer research, to help save people from this terrible disease!

  603. I am Thankful for my fiance, who has stood by my side through thick and thin and has made some unbearable situations bearable. I am a better man because of her.

  604. Spencer Wilson

    I am thankful for “The Dresden Files” for introducing me to the fantastical world of Sci-Fi/Fantasy, This series was my escape from reality, it provided me with a comfort during cold days(haha). I hope you read this Jim, this series has been a blessing.

  605. I am thankful for my lovely Fiance. She has brought me stability, love, strength, and a wonderful son whom I love nearly as much as I love her. I am thankful for my job, my family, and, of course, for Jim Butcher who has brought such entertainment to all our lives. But above all else, I am thankful for my Fiance, who is so great, it bears repeating twice. Luv Ya Babe!!!

  606. I am thankful for my successful heart surgery last week. I am indebted to the skilled surgeons and nurses who fixed a potentially lethal heart problem.

  607. I am thankful for my
    wonderful husband and his knack for making me a better person.

  608. Matt Thacker

    I am thankful for another day breathing and with my family

  609. Hello! I am sooooo thankful for my husband. Who puts up with me and my book obsessions. He said I live in a fanasty world. Smiles

  610. Brian M. Rogers

    I am thankful for my Dad, who just passed away last week. He took me to see Star Wars in the theater (my first trip to the movies) in 1977, and made sure I was always with comic books and action figures!

  611. I’m thankful for my wife and daughter, the latter turns 1 on Monday! It’s been quite a year, and it seems like longer than that and shorter than that all at the same time.

  612. Sidney Blumenthal

    I’m thankful for my wife who puts up with me, and the child she is about to give me 🙂

  613. Michael Bobek

    I am thankful for my family and the wonderful stories created by Jim Butcher

  614. I am thankful for my beat up red Ford Taurus with the batman steering wheel cover. Without it, I would not be able to go anywhere, such as school and work. People may diss the “Savvymobile” as I like to call it, but it gets me where I want to go, and takes me to the bookstore to get the next Dresden Files book. It has good gas mileage, and no car payment, and my insurance is only $50 a month. Currently, however, the back seat is piled with discarded James Patterson books, old manga, random trash.. Catwoman whips, coffee shop receipts, and what not. I also love the fact that Susan drove a red Taurus in Grave Peril >w<. It is the true embodiment of my personality (cept the messy part)

  615. Sherrye Nichols

    I’m thankful for being a breast cancer survivor since 1995 — every day is a victory!

  616. Brandon Walch

    I’m am thankful for my parents.

  617. Barbara Pereira

    I am thankful for good friends.

  618. I am thankful for my older brother- who introduced me to your books!

  619. Jason Vroman

    I am forever thankful for my loving wife and children.

  620. William Fisher

    I am thankful for the choices life has given me, both good and bad and for teaching me that the answer to the meaning of life is, the living of it.

  621. I’m thankful to my mom and grandparents who encouraged my love of reading.

  622. I am thankful for my family which has supported me through some hard times.

  623. Many, many years ago a stranger noticed how upset I looked, and offered some kind words. It made me feel better and able to get thru the day. Such a lesson on the power of words and gestures! I try to do the same whenever possible. So, I am grateful to that Lady for showing me the Golden Rule in action –Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you.

  624. I’m thankful for my girlfriend, who came back from work today to drive me to the hospital after crashing my motorcycle -_-.

  625. I’m thankful of my mom. Family is always the closest thing you have. Yes, friends are good too, but family will be there up and downs and no matter what you’ll do.

  626. Theodore Carbone

    I am thankful for the love of my life (whom I met through a stage combat class and would be lost without), my family and my friends who are the lights of my life (yes, mushy I know). I’m also thankful for Jim whose books have always helped me question the human condition and have always helped me remember that even in the worst of times, this too shall pass 🙂 I am thankful for my own “Blue Beetle” which I believe runs on well wishes alone at times, and I’m thankful that this weekend I will be able to celebrate another birthday with my family and be able to make more happy memories.

  627. I am thankful for a particular agent who let for bidders win her review auction! That and the fact that my loved ones are safe, healthy, and for the most part happy – oh, and diet dr. pepper. Definitely, diet dr. pepper. 😎

  628. I’m thankful for the tireless efforts of Jim Butcher and his team for making the Dresden Files such a wonderful world to visit.

  629. Becky Ottery

    I am thankful for Liver mk3 in my husband, and the wonderful team at the Royal Free Hospital who have helped us through it all.

  630. Rebecca Dornoff

    We have adopted a number of handicapped children over the years. Two of our boys passed away this year, Josh died in June we had him for 15 years and mikey passed away in Sept. and we had him 22 years, I am thankful for the years we were lucky enough to care for them.

  631. Christopher munneke

    I am thankful for the encouragement that my family has given me to keep on look for employment. When for the longest time I was not able obtain employment. Know have work and I am also go the school to became a welder.

  632. Hazel Bromage

    I’m thankful for toe socks… it’s the small pleasures in life 🙂

  633. Yoshihiro Miura

    I am thankful for my parents who have sacrificed so much for me.

  634. I already left a thankful-for before, but I keep thinking about it, and I now want to give heartfelt thanks for Karrin Murphy. She’s small. She’s female. She’s nonmagical. But by gum(shoe), she’s one of the biggest, baddest, most effectual heroes that’s ever been. She sees none of those things as shortcomings, but rather particularly utilizes them to kick arse, like judo uses an opponent’s momentum & strength against them. She’s amazing. And she’s even got her own Wikipedia entry… I mean, come on!

    The first time Harry saw her with his Sight, when she was a bright avenging angel with a blazing sword in her hand, will actually be burned into MY brain forever, too. I got goose bumps “seeing” her that way through Harry’s magical eyes, and oh my, what a sight. (Not to mention the time she wielded Fidelacchius and became the voice of God declaring vengeance on an entire population of hellspawn. Criminy. I have those passages bookmarked.)

    Murphy is a hero we can all get behind, and a human being we can all love. Thank you, Jim, for giving her to us. I hold her dear to my heart and I hope I can be half the woman she is.

  635. I am thankful for so much: my husband, my daughter. But there are so many other things, too – the little things that we take for granted every day, like puppy kisses, a hot shower, a towel warmer, creamy iced coffee, driving to work in my Jeep.

  636. I’m thankful that so far I’m still caught up on my wordcount for Nanowrimo. Yep, shallow, but how sappy were you really expecting me to get on an author’s webpage(ok, also very thankful for my brothers and sisters, who are terrific, wonderful people who would do anything at all for me if I ever asked).

  637. Gerald Miller

    Among many things – I am thankful for Sean L. who first introduced me to the Dresden files just over a year ago!
    I’m also thankful that I’m going to Chicago to meet Jim Butcher and have him autograph my book!! 😀

  638. I am thankful that my family and extended family have survived the “SuperStorm” here in NJ

  639. i am thankful for the opportunity i was given to serve my country on active duty in the army to be able to provide a better life for my wife, my children and myself.

  640. Tom Granados

    I am thanksful for my wife and tha fact that she makes the days lighter and the night brighter. She is a true partner of teh first order!

  641. I’m thankful for my sister and her husband, who allow me to live with them virtually rent free as I try to get on my feet!

  642. What is there not to be thankful for? You want reality? Thankful for waking up every morning and breathing. You want sentimentality? Thankful for my dogs Jake and Molly. You want poetic? Thankful for the likes of Shakespeare, Marlowe, et al. You want truth? Thankful for Jim Butcher who has succeeded in joining the ranks of the aforementioned. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  643. Scott Ziebell

    I am thankful for my wife and step daughter. Without whom I’d likely be some long haired unwashed weirdo living out in the woods of Wisconsin. I know because I was a long haired unwashed weirdo living out in the woods before I meet them.

  644. I am thankful for Jim Butcher writing incredibly entertaining books to read (and reread).

  645. I am thankful for my wife, for her sharing her life with me, and giving two wonderful children.

  646. I am thankful for my family of 5, my wonderful wife who puts up with my life in the Military for 9 years now. My five year old boy, who was my first child who reminded me of the bond between father and son i had forgotten as I had lost mine when I was 16. My 2 year old son, who even with autism reminds me of the innocence of youth and that you love children no matter their challenges. Last but not least my 6 month old daughter, who reminds me why women really control the world as I would probably give her anything she asks for and all she has to do is smile.

  647. My wife, who makes cold nights warmer and warm days better.

  648. Alex Tsikerdanos

    I am thankful for my wife and baby girl.

  649. Cindy deporter

    I am Thankful that I live in one of the greatest nations on earth. I am lucky I have the freedom I do. I am thankful for my family and all the things that I have been blessed to have.

  650. I am most thankful for two things… My mom and my pets. Without them, my life would be so empty. I am thankful for being alive! I mean, life should be lived to the fullest right? Lol thank you so so much for this opportunity! I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!! I’ve been drooling over the wait! 🙂

  651. I’m thankful that in my Chicago, DePaul U, is located in Lincoln Park!

  652. I am thankful for my wonderful kids… And Jim Butcher’s books when they finally sleep!

  653. I’m thankful for the friends I made back in high school…so many times we’ve supported each other through tough times, financial and otherwise.

  654. thankful for my family etc., … and for free wifi, which allows me to make this entry!

  655. I’m thankful for my husband, Richard, and our 23 years together.

  656. I’m thankful for cats to cuddle with on cold days and nights. And a husband, to cuddle with regardless.

  657. Miranda Treat

    I am thankful for my fiancee who I will give this book to if I should win….Even though it would kill me not to read it first.

  658. I’m thankful for my friend Dave who is helping me get a new, and rewarding, job.

  659. Michael Brothers

    I am thankful for my parents, without whose support and love I would probably be a completely different person. Their aid at all of the tough times in my life has shaped me into the man I am today.

  660. Michael Leonard

    I am thankful for my friends and family. I am thankful to be safe and at home with my family for thanksgiving

  661. I’m thankful for my monstrous intellect.

  662. Mike Hinshaw

    I am thankful for all of the good things in my life/

  663. I am thankful that after all I have been through personally, I am still alive and able to help others in any way I can. Tashi Dalek

  664. nick chadwick

    I am thankful for theses books. Keep em coming 😀

  665. Manuel Coraizaca

    I am thankful there are only two weeks left for the release of coldays

  666. I’m thankful for my wife and kids. I’m thankful that things aren’t much worse for me than they could be. I’m thankful for Neil deGrasse Tyson, and comedy, and NASA – especially curiosity. I’m thankful for Gangnam Style and Lo Pan Style. I’m thankful for my pug dog, and even the maltese.

  667. I am thankful for the Veteran’s Administration for helping me to be normal again, and for my wife and son for putting up with the fact that this IS normal…

  668. I am thankful for the gift of reading. Being able to read stories and share them with others is one of the most important things in my life, and it’s also what I want to make a career doing.

  669. Gloria Magid

    I am thankful for my brother Rick. He’s my only sibling, 3 and a half years younger, and knows how to get a rise out of me. But when push comes to shove, I also know he’ll be there for me.

  670. Mike Peterson

    I am thankful for Jim Butcher, for giving me hours of simply awesome escapism and a book series that I would give my left arm and my unborn child, to get the next installment.

  671. Steve Berliner

    I am thankful for my sister, Lisa, whose birthday is 11/26, and therefore has a true ThanksBirthday every few years. It’s a very bittersweet day for us, as BOTH of our grandmothers died on my sister’s birthday (separate years). No matter where we’re living, we always make it a point to get together so that she’s not without family for both her birthday and the holiday!

  672. I’m thankful for my family and friends and that I’m living and breathing and have my health.

  673. I am thankful for my family and tv where i first saw the dresden files show and then found out about the books.

  674. Justin Elledge

    I am thankful for my three closest friends, who’ve helped keep me sane over the years.

  675. I am thankful for my partner as he gave me purpose when I had none

  676. I’m thankful for having the time and means to never quit learning about people and the world, and to have an environment that supports me in that. I’m thankful to be able to read indiscriminately.

  677. Marcel Wittram

    I’m thankful for my wife, who haven’t let me down for one single moment.

  678. excussmymess

    Thankful to have the love of reading otherwise my life would consist of just instant Netflix and 2 liter bottles of soda scattered around the living room.

  679. Richie Heming

    I am thankful for one of my best friends who loaned me the first 8 books and got me interested in the series

  680. David Cooper

    I am thankful for my wife Lesa, who actually takes my book suggestions and loves them as much as I do. I love you, Babe.

  681. Greg Borbonus

    I am thankful for so much in my life, to narrow it down to one person would feel like diminishing the gratefulness I feel about everything else, so I’m thankful to merely be alive. Grew up in a bad way, and with the help of all the people in my life, circumstances and God, I’ve managed to stay away from becoming another statistic and instead, having a successful life full of moments of joy and pain that translate into being alive, and loving it. And Thank you internet, for providing a uniform base to communicate and a Very strong career.

  682. I am thankful for me being alive… Today’s my birthday 🙂

  683. John Bolerjack

    When I was released from the hospital after the second visit in 2011, it was to go home and be comfortable. Old guys get that a lot,…. I was not expected to make it to the to the publishing of Ghost Story. My great Doc and I beat the odds, I never told anyone the number one goal I had was to make it to GS till now. But I did win through and have another book in reach. I am Thankfull for a lot of wonderful things in my life, and included in that is that I much better and I will get to Cold Days and maybe even the next two or three before running out of my allotted time. {Jim not to nag but write faster 🙂 }

  684. Nehemiah Evan Newell

    I am Thankful to Jessica, who gave me a beautiful little half brother who I love.

  685. George Georgiev

    I am thankful for my mother who has been there for me along every mistake, failure and disappointment and gave me the resolve to fight and never give up.

  686. Through the last few years of health and job issues, my wonderful friend Libby has listened to all those problems and more – without judging me or the actions I made, while inspiring me to go forward to meet any obstacles. She has “nudged” me back towards my creative path with the right amount of assurance as not to be overly expectant or pressuring. Thank you, friend!

  687. I am thankful for Jim Butcher’s amazing books! I will read anything he writes, this man is the apotheosis of writers!

  688. Jeremy Largen

    I am thankful for books, and the escape they give me from my own mundane life.

  689. Adriano leite

    I´m Thankful for the first man who developed writing.

  690. Peter Bonish

    I am thankful for all my friends and family and their understanding that I will be unavailable for all forms of social contact on the 27th due to Jim’s book

  691. I´m Thankful for the first human being who start the writing

  692. MailmanClavin

    I am Thankful for the Dresden Files RPG and the best gaming group around. Nearly 20 years of geekery.

  693. .I am thankful for the annual Thanksgiving Day golf game with my brothers,

  694. I am thankful for the love in my life….the love that comes from real friends and family, that supports you even when you push them away, and pushes you to new heights that you couldn’t have reached alone.

  695. Eric Schwendner

    I am Thankful for living in a country with freedom of speech, where anyone can say or write what they wish.

  696. Catherine Carragee

    My friend once answered this question “My warm house, the stable government and running water” I’m pretty he was just trying to be a smart ass, but the older I get the more they seem like actual things to be thankful for. I think for me, though, I am thankful that my family will be able to get together for thanksgiving.

  697. I’m so thankful to be able to go home! I just started college this fall and although it’s been absolutely fantastic, I can’t wait to see all of my family and friends for Thanksgiving. It will be fantastic! 🙂

  698. Chris Larivee

    i’m thankful for my fiance with out her love and support i would not have been able to quit smoking this year

  699. Catherine Cornish

    I’m thankful for my orange little Mister and his entertaining antics!

  700. I’m thankful for beautiful people and beautiful nature, which help make every day worth living.

  701. I am thankful for my family and my books. My wife and I are avid readers with about a 4000 book library before we bought ereaders. We still buy paper copy in addition to some ebooks. Both of us are big fans of Harry even though she’s mystery genre.

  702. I am thankful for my family and my country.

  703. David Peters

    I am thankful for my badass collection of Dresden File books and Audio Books!!

  704. Trevor Pelton

    I’m thankful for books letting me take a breather from reality.

  705. I am thankful for the internet so not only can I obsessively check on what my favorite authors are doing, but I can stay in touch with my deployed sailor 🙂 He’ll be downloading Cold Days for his ereader as soon as he gets the chance! (Thankful for those too, so he can read the latest and greatest without waiting for MPS shipping!) ^_^

  706. Thankful that Minnesota voted down the marriage amendment!

  707. William Watson

    I am thankful for fiction! It helps make the long car drives and chores around the house an adventure in my head!

  708. I am thankful for a good book, a soft blanket, a lovable leg-warming dog, and a cozy fire today.

  709. Angela Bradbury

    I am thankful for my family whose support to another every year has helped us all cope with the loss of my father to suicide near the holidays.

  710. I am thankful for my friend Peter, who made me read the Dresden books even after that horrible TV show and got me hooked. Just today I thought a signed copy of the latest book would be an amazing gift for his birthday in December, but highly unprobable as we live in a country far, far away… and now this giveaway :))

  711. I am thankful for my wonderful family, my wonderful job and my ability to read as many different books as I’d like.

  712. I am thankful for books and the authors who write them to allow me and those who read them to explore new possibilities, meet new friends, and live a life in anyway we dream. Thank you Jim Butcher for helping minds from being closed from all possibilities.

  713. I’m thankful for my family and my health.

  714. I am thankful for my wife and three kids, with out whom I wouldnt still be getting up in the morning and putting my boots on.

  715. Richard Good

    I am thankful for bieng alive to still enjoy life with my family.

  716. I am thankful for my husband, who supports my geeky-ness and reads with me. We are excited for the new book as it means some new Butcher to curl up on the couch and read to each other! 🙂

  717. Annika Astradsson

    I am thankful I have a job that allows me enough challenges to keep me entertained and enough money to keep me travelling at least once a year to find more things to be thankful and entertained by still.

  718. Im thankful for my dog! Once when something a bit scary happened I sent my sisters to their rooms and waited for the police to come, and my dog just stayed with me. I was really young and really upset and couldn’t find any adults, so my dog made me feel so much better. Thats the thing about dogs, they make you feel really secure.

  719. Michael Zagozda

    I am thankful for the woman I love, Kendra Arrington; without her life would be as cold and cruel as Queen Mab.

  720. I am thankful for America, the land where dreams come true, I’m thankful for my wife and kids and my very supportive family.

  721. I am thankful for my amazing family and friends as well as my new job opportunity doing what I love.

  722. I am grateful to have a day job that I love, that gives me plenty of downtime for writing. I am also thankful for my wonderful friends, who support my crazy writing ways.

  723. I am thankful for Rachel who swept into my life and helped me to know that I deserved better than how I had been treated before and that I truly deserved how wonderful she is to me.

  724. This year has been a wonderful one, and I can’t give enough thanks to give it justice. I’m thankful for, of course, my family who are supportive and wonderful (and even let me crash at their house whenever I wish), my boyfriend who is amazing every day of the year and can make me smile with just a thought, and I can’t forget my adorable critters who let me give them attention and food in exchange for some time out of their day for companionship.

  725. I’m thankful for my home, my dogs and my family. And that I’ll have a few days off to start reading the book 🙂

  726. I’m thankful for books – they make life so much more interesting!

  727. Evan Parsons

    I’m thankful for authors like Jim that change peoples lives and give them something to look forward to. Reading has always been my escape, and without people like him writing, I don’t know where I’d be right now.

  728. Sarah Dahlstrom

    I’m grateful for my husband. With both of us working full time, he’s often been like a single dad taking care of our kids to help support my going back to school. If that wasn’t enough, he’s a wonderful, giving, amazing man. I’d be lost without him.

  729. Logan L. Spangler

    I am thankful for my wife who will listen to me talk about the books I love (The Dresden Files being one of them). She always listens even though she could care less and has little idea what I am talking about. Maybe one day I’ll get here to read some of them.

  730. Thankful to be home from Afghanistan finally!

  731. I’m thankful for my children. I can’t wait to share Jim Butcher’s books with them when they are older.

  732. I’m thankful to Mrs. Yeaney my first grade teacher who taught me to read.

  733. I am thankful for Mother, who sacrificed so much to keep her kids fed and clothed.

  734. Colin Gordon

    I am thankful for fine artists like Jim Butcher, who make the world a little wider with their work.

  735. Heather White

    I am thankful for my wonderful husband and family, who constantly support me, even when I’m being amazingly obtuse.

  736. I am thankful for my family growing. The doctors told us for over two years that we wouldn’t be able ton conceive. And now out baby will be here throwing our lives into a whole new frenzy in just two weeks. So for my baby and my wife, I am thankful.

  737. I’m thankful for footstools, good books, heavy cats, and a cooking husband.

    Awesome giveaway. I love this series and can’t wait for this book to come out.

  738. I am thankful of my new mould and bug free apartment

  739. João Venezuela

    I am thankful for my family.
    With their support, I wouldn’t be able to read english (I’m from Brasil) and I wouldn’t have gotten addicted on this wonderful series.

  740. adamtrojanowski

    I’m thankful for my parents who have always been there to help me no matter what. I am also thankful that cold days is out in another week!

  741. I am thankful for my family and friends.

  742. I am thankful for the presence of my beautiful daughters, especially for my youngest whom illness threatened to take from us at such an early age.

  743. I am thankful that both of my sons are feeling better after being ill for a couple of days.

  744. Very thankful for my wife and children.

  745. I am thankful for my four awesome sisters

  746. I am grateful each day for the gifts given me by god. This includes, my health, my dog, y kids, my lady, my job and, dare I say it, the joy of crushing Cold Days… It’s a been a long wait and I am so psyched!

  747. I’m Thankful for two ladies in my life. Morgan and my mom. They help me see straight when everything gets dark and daunting. When you feel alone and your back is against a wall but they inspire you to be better and not to fall.

  748. I am thankful for my parents and how they support me through my college education and toward my future.

  749. Zachary Krengle

    I’m thankful for today that I got to see it, because of a mixture of divine providence and cosmically dumb luck. So thank’s universe looking forward to getting to know you better.

  750. Im thankful for the support of my family in the adventures of my life!

  751. Cathrine Adee

    I am thankful for books and the ability to read them.

  752. craig thomasson

    im thankfull for miss york the english teacher who realised i was dislexic when i was 15. who worked with me to dring my reading age up from jst 8 yaers to sothing i would have a chance of passing my exams with. becouse of her i went to collage and then to univercity( im english i think its difrent in the us) becouse of her i read my first book :The hobit and was captivate by fantacy from that day. becouse of her i made somthing of my im thankfull to miss York theenglish teacher who care enought to go out of her way and help a student no one ells would.

  753. Can not wait for Cold Days! I’ve been listening to all the audio books and luuuuv James Marster’s voice – what a great choice for Dresden! I hope he is able to read Cold Days as well.

  754. Spencer Kelly-Salo

    I’m thankful for my uncle who got me started on the Dresden Files, which inevitably lead to my reading the Codex Alera series.

  755. Debra Nelson

    I am thankful for books and my parents who let me read pretty much whatever I wanted, even if it was ghost stories. Love this!

  756. I am thankful for my father. He has guided me into being a man and what that means, taught me the definition of respect and courtesy, and has given me something to live up to.

  757. I’m grateful for my mother, who recently retired, but worked her tail off to make sure I grew up and made it out of the Bronx, and made something of myself.

  758. I’m thankful for the wonderful family that supports me and loves me everyday through all my adventures and mishaps and for the friends who help me have all my adventures and get me through all my mishaps. :~)

  759. Lorelei Kornell

    I am thankful that Jim Butcher’s books have a handsome stud on their covers and not a half-dressed skank in a leather corset. This way I don’t have to be embarrassed when I read Jim’s books while riding the Metro.

  760. Andrew Johnson

    I am thankful for my family and for being able to graduate college in May with no debt.

  761. Among many things, thankful for my six-year-old son, Ian, who is in the process of learning how and when NOT to say exactly what he thinks. My pleasure to help him figure that out.

  762. I am thankful for my new husband and fellow Dresden Files fan-atic, Ryan Yorke

  763. Tyler Gasper

    I am thankful for my parents, who introduced me to reading at a young age, and therefore to many fantastic worlds which I would never have known if not for their efforts.

  764. So thankful for my wife and her love generous soul, my dogs and their unconditional love, my neighbors for their unbelievable friendship, and my ability to recognize that thankfulness when so many things try to get in the way.

  765. I am thankful of great literature which has expanded my mind and kept me wondering about the world for 25 years and for the friends who are my crew in exploring what humanity will think up next. Thanks for being a shining star in that regard!

  766. Kalinda Little

    I’m thankful for the fuzzy slippers that are currently keeping my feet warm.

  767. James Stephan

    I am thankful for my opportunity to return to college and earn my first degree (in graphic design) after facing the 9-5 corporate world for 10 years.

  768. Carson Flockhart

    I am thankful for the warm fuzzy feeling I get from slicing my light saber neatly through a republic trooper. Long Live Star Wars ( SWTOR)

  769. John Carlson

    I’m thankful for student loans for both the education, and the crippling debt it brings.

  770. Rakesh Kumar Marimuthu Jayakumar

    I’m thankful to my 5th grade school history teacher, who introduced me to building full of memories & possibilities called Library.

  771. I’m thankful for my mom as she was one of the first people to turn me towards fantasy by coming up with these crazy bedtime stories to tell me when I was little. Also, without her, I would have been introduced to Dark Shadows, Dune, and Army of Darkness far far later in life.


  773. I am thankful for my wonderful friends who spend their Thursday evenings at my house playing games and watching ridiculous movies and generally geeking out together. I can’t think of better times to be had.

  774. I am thankful for my friends and family who encouraged me to pursue library school which I am completing next month. It is also where I learned about the Dresden Files.

  775. Nathan Howel

    I am thankful for, well many things, but by far it would have to be my great friends and especially my love, Megan, whom without I would never have discover and lived though so many amazing worlds, including the world of Harry Dresden. Even if I don’t win I know you will be back on here love, so thank you! ^_^

  776. Daniel Wojcik

    I am Thankful for the lessons that I have learned in Life. For the lessons that I have learned, I become a better more well rounded person. The lessons of life have me the answers to the hard questions and the simple ones.

  777. I am thankful for my puppyperson, Mrs Peel. (Named after the Avengers characters). She was free by the side of the road and brings a lot of unconditional love in my life. Pets are free! She knows what is hers and what is mine. I don’t come home to chewed up furniture or surprises lying around the house. She “sneaks” into bed with me every night, ninja style. She may be a mutt, but don’t call her a d-o-g.

  778. ivan peterson

    I am thankful for all the wonderful writers out there who have provied hourse of entertainment and education.

  779. I am thankful for my girlfriend and soulmate, the most wonderful person in the world who I’m blessed to have as the mother of my soon to be born child.

  780. I’m thankful for my thesis adviser and her husband, who, through their hard work, have enabled me to keep my job! And, of course, I’m thankful for my family and friends!

  781. I am thankful for the continued health and support of my friends and family.

  782. I am thankful for my awesome husband who rarely tells me no (even though sometimes he should!) and supports me no matter what.

  783. I am thankful for the friends I have made who care deeply about me. With their love, I’ve gotten through many cold days.

  784. I am thankful for knowing how to read.

  785. I am thankful to my Moms best friend Sandy, who gave me a copy of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Mists of Avalon for my birthday one year. The start of my science fiction/fantasy addiction.

  786. I give thanks to my patient and supportive wife, as well as my rambunctious and high-spirited four year old daughter. Both are a daily inspiration to me.

  787. Michael Hoskins

    I am thankful for how blessed i am with a loving family…..and that cold days is finally coming out WOOOO

  788. I’m thankful for my brother’s godfather who has always provided a helping hand whenever I needed one. He supported me throughout my whole high school career, providing a place for me to crash between school and home whenever I needed to unload. His kitchen has always open and filled with food that he made himself, a constant reminder that I should get off my lazy behind and work to provide for myself instead of relying on others. Whenever I needed money or just needed to get out of the cave I’d made of my house, he always there with either a job to help put money in my pocket or an altruistic errand to keep me busy and engaged with the world around me. More importantly, when I came home from my first semester away depressed and downtrodden, he gave me some pretty good advice. “You can’t do anything to change your past, but you can do something to improve you future,” he told me and I’ve taken these words to heart. I’m living these words everyday as not only do I go to school but I have also enrolled myself in a program that will help me to advance in my career.

  789. NaTasha Magnuson

    I’m thankful for my big brother. He’s my rock and my strength. I know he’s always there for me no matter what. He and I share a passion for books and we are huge fans of Jim Butcher.

  790. I am thankful that despite our crazy lives, we have made it through another year (almost) and we are all healthy (relatively)

  791. I’m thankful for the most amazing dad in the world. He reminded me that I was worth something, that no matter what he was there for me and loved me. He is one of the brightest, kindest men anyone will ever know, and I am both thankful and privileged beyond words to have him as my dad.

  792. Brandon Phillips

    I am Thankful for my wife, kids and my new baby. They bless my lives every day.

  793. I’m grateful for my wife. I don’t know where I’d be without her.

  794. I am thankful for my husband. he saved my life and hasn’t let me drown since. ^.^

  795. james donovan

    I am thankful to my mom, for putting up with me still.

  796. I am thankful for my good health and sound body.

  797. Jason Bradford

    I am thankful for the health of my family, the support and love of my wife, and her beauty both inside and out. Heh – also REALLY appreciative that she’s smart as hell, but for whatever reason has a blind spot for me a mile wide, to quote Sgt Murphy….

  798. I am thankful for the love and support of my wife.

  799. Matthew Spangler

    I am thankful for Jim and the Dresden Files, which has made my deployment here in the middle east a little more bearable. I’m also thankful for my wife and family for keeping me encouraged in difficult times.

  800. Jacqueline Stringer

    .I am so thankful that my sister Beverley (a single mum at the time) survived breast cancer – not just because she is the world’s greatest sister, but because she has 10 children and I was appointed their guardian!!! It was at that time that I discovered the Dresden Files. Thank you God and Jim Butcher!

  801. I am thankful that I have a decent job, and that my immediate family is safe, secure, and healthy.

  802. Grigore Razvan

    I am thankful for my parents who deemed it important to send me to private english lessons since i was 6 because now i can read english book just as well as in my native language 🙂

  803. I am thankful for my Mother, who kindled a love of reading in me be taking the time to read to me.

  804. I’m thankful for all forms of entertainment. Amuse me world!

  805. I am thankful for my loyal and helpful friends who are always there helping me while I’m overseas in Pakistan. They make my days and nights go by all the more easier with their smart ass remarks, jokes, and just being there.

  806. I am thankful for my daughter.

  807. Tlalchitonatiuh

    I am eternally thankful for my family and friends. Every day (not just around thanksgiving mind you) i count my blessings and stand amazed that for the vast majority of my 31 years i have shared (for the most part) the same group of a very close friends, all of whom have been readily “adopted” by my amazing parents into our very eclectic family. It is thanks to that same family that i have such a rabid addiction to reading, and i can thank them entirely for the gift of a fertile imagination. My mother, father, stepfather, cousins, uncles, aunts and of course my close friends (who I consider closer than any brothers and sisters I’ve ever seen); these are the things I’m constantly thankful for. They have provided me strength, support, love, kindness, and a stern voice when I’ve headed in the wrong direction. Thank you all so much.

  808. Ralph Shibler

    I am thankful for my family and friends that have loved and supported me over the years without question on the good days and bad. For my daughters the few good things that I have done in my life that I know I have gotten right!!

  809. Kayneisha Williams

    I’m thankful for my Mom and Dad who have been so supportive of me for the past few years during my Job Crisis,

  810. I’m thankful to the numerous authors in the world who have inspired me to write and give me the wonderful books that I so love to read.

  811. Eric Trowbridge

    I am thankful for my wife. I am not the perfect husband, and yet with all my foibles, she still loves and accepts me.

  812. I’m thankful for my niece and nephew. They’re only toddlers, but they’ve provided me with so much joy, love and fun throughout their little lives and no doubt they’ll continue to as they grown up.

  813. I am thankful for my husband, Mike, whom I have been married to for 23 years today! He is my “Harry”!

  814. I am thankful to Worf, son of Mogh, who lent me his bat’leh to trim Pat’s beard. It was really sharp, but the hairs on his chinny chin chin refused to budge. I think he forgot to use conditioner and by the time we got the thing combed out we were too exhausted to do anything but nap on the couch.

  815. Jenny Marshall

    I’m thankful that Cold Days is finally being released– I absolutely cannot wait until next week to read it! 🙂

  816. Atticus Overbay

    I’m thankful I live in a country where talented people have the opportunity to proper from their craft. Keep up the great work Mr. Butcher. I’ve read every book you’ve written so far (we’ll, I think I have anyway)!!!

  817. I’m thankful for The Dresden Files for helping improve my relationship with my brother.

  818. I am thankful for my kids i dont know what i would do without them

  819. I am thankful that I don’t have to worry about food or bills until January.

  820. I am thankful for a great family and a great job.

  821. Afruz Badiei

    I am most thankful to my role-playing-friends who have enriched my life.
    They always have been there for me during big problems and small ones while being the best allies one could have when boredom comes knocking. You never know what you are capable of until you put everything you have on the line for others and not feel used but instead rewarded because you know they do the same for you.

  822. Tamara Fisher

    I am thankful for my loving, large extended family, and for my beloved cat, Peaches, who has brought myself and my husband great joy in our lives.

  823. I am thankful for my wonderful wife who tolerates a game crazed husband.

  824. Iris Elisabeth

    I am thankful for my awesome family, my great friends and all the people who touch my life and make it an amazing time. So I am also thankful for brilliant authors like Jim Butcher. I am thankful for my life. I am thankful for sunshine. For rain. For change. For fun. For love, certainly. Also for the invention of chocolate, paper, democracy, the declaration of human rights, good music, The Pirates of the Caribbean, the neuron spark that brought to life Harry Dresden, nice coincidences, waffles and pancakes, double rainbows and the fact that I actually saw one, books, authors, fantasy, imagination, Einstein for that insanely awesome quote, running water, smart people, nice gentry, helpful folk, doctors, good humans, art, Earth, stars, the universe, delight, new opportunities, joy, life, freedom.

  825. Chris wombat

    I am thankful for today, it’s a gift

  826. Contest has ended at 5pm today as per description above. Check back tomorrow for a post declaring the winner! Thanks everyone for participating!

  827. Thankful for life as I’ve lost too many.

  828. I am thankful for my son. After watching me struggle with the bottle, it would have been very easy and understandable for him to never want to have anything to do with me for the rest of his life. For so long I know I tried and failed, tried and failed, but he never lost faith in me. He knew how much I wanted to be the father he deserved, and how that made me create my own pressure cooker. What he wants, and gave me the time to figure out, is simply a happy and peaceful Dad. Although he does not live with me , I speak with him every day, and our relationship is stronger than ever, and Skype every couple of weeks. I am thankful every day for his faith and love.

  829. After being out of work for more than a year I have 2 jobs and am SO thankful for them.

  830. Eddey Gallegos

    I am thankful for my family and friends, but most of all my love of 11 years, who after 3 surgeries and daily chemo treatments, still manages to ask how I am doing, how my work day was, and thanks me for being there.

  831. Patrick Brightwell

    I’m thankful for my Father, for fighting for our country and inspiring me to do the same, I’m thankful for my Mom, for putting up with me and my sister while he was overseas. I’m also thankful for me friends for helping me put up with my sister when she hit puberty. -_-;; And I’m thankful for Jim Butcher for writing such awesome books and letting me escape from some of my problems, even for a little bit thanks to some witty humor and awesome fight scenes.

  832. Kristin Bates

    I’m thankful for my husband. He introduced me to Jim Butcher and the world of Harry Dresden:) Besides that we have been going through infertility problems for almost and year with 1 miscarriage and no success yet. He has never once been negative, he has constantly loved and supported me through everything.

  833. I am thankful for the internet, without which we would not have the great many entertainments we have today(i’d have died of boardom otherwise), nor this very contest with which we participate, or even the benifits it has of bringing people together.

  834. syed hamdani

    I am thankful for the life I have had, it has allowed me to do good things for the people that have crossed my path.

  835. Too much to list, but in the current context: I’m thankful for my daughter whose geek tendencies rival my own, and with whom much is shared. I introduced her to Honor Harrington, movie soundtrack music, and bad puns; she introduced me to Harry Dresden, BBC dramas, and disgust for bad puns.

  836. I am thankful for my beloved, our two monsters, the menagerie and my fiber stash. And mincemeat pie.

  837. I’m grateful for my children who teach me each and every day how to be humble.